Chapter 71

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November 2024

Willow was about a week past her due date now and she was absolutely miserable. She was so exhausted and just ready for the baby to be born. After changing from her pajamas to a pair of leggings and a large hoodie she went waddling down the stairs and flopped down on the couch as best as she could. Sebastian and Aaliyah were playing on the living room floor and looked up at Willow as she groaned in pain. "Mommy you okay?" Aaliyah asked worriedly.

"Yeah Lia. I just want your baby sibling out of me already," she sighed.

"Do you need me to get you anything?" Sebastian asked.

"Can you just help me lay down?"

Sebastian smiled before standing up and walking over to Willow to help her put her legs up on the couch. He also moved the pillows around until she confirmed she was comfortable enough. Before Sebastian sat back down, Aaliyah stood up to quickly hug her mom before going back to the floor to continue playing with her dad.

After a few minutes Willow had started to doze off until a shooting pain went through her body. "Ahhhh!" she yelled as her arms went to hold her belly.

Sebastian jumped off the floor and ran to Willow's side, "Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"I think the baby is com-ahhhh!"

"Mommy?" Aaliyah's voice shook as tears started to form in her eyes. Worry filled her as she saw her mom in pain.

"I'm okay angel. But we're going to meet the baby soon," she smiled through the pain.

"Lia go get your shoes quickly. We have to go now," Sebastian said as calmly as he could, not wanting to worry her more. Once Aaliyah was out of earshot, panic filled him. "Oh my god this is happening. Okay your hospital bag is already in the car. Start trying to walk to the car and I'll go get Lia. We'll call our parents from the car." Sebastian said as he carefully tried to help her off the couch.

Willow tried her best to walk to the car while Sebastian ran upstairs to get Aaliyah. Once he saw she was done putting on her shoes, he quickly grabbed her favorite stuffed animal and lifted her up and ran to the car. Willow was barely walking into the garage when they caught up to her. Sebastian quickly strapped in Aaliyah into her carseat before moving to help Willow get into the car.

Once everyone was ready to go Sebastian took off to the hospital. On the way there, he called their parents to let them know that Willow was going into labor. It didn't take long for them to get to the hospital and to get Willow checked into a room. About an hour later, both their parents showed up. Unlike the last time, when she was in labor for over five hours, this time was quick. Once their parents got there it only took about another hour before the doctor said she was ready to start pushing. Aaliyah went to wait with her grandparents while Sebastian went with Willow.

"Okay Willow it's time to start pushing," the doctor encouraged. Willow reached out for Sebastian's hand which he gladly took, letting her squeeze it as hard as she needed to as she started pushing. After a lot of pain and screaming, Willow felt her body relax as a cry filled the room. "Congratulations! It's a girl!"

"Oh my god," Willow cried.

Sebastian leaned in to kiss her. "You did great draga," he smiled. His smile widened and tears filled his eyes as the nurse approached them with their new daughter. The nurse set her down in Willow's arms and walked out of the room, leaving them alone with her. "Wow, she's beautiful," Sebastian whispered, placing a kiss on his new daughter's head.

Soon their families came to meet the new little girl. Sebastian and Willow looked up as they walked in and circled the bed they were laying on. "Everyone this is Athena Stan."

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