Chapter 67

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April 2024

The past two months had been tough for Willow. She had been feeling nauseous, having constant head aches, and feeling incredibly tired all the time. She didn't think much of it, she thought she might of just been getting sick or something. That is until it started getting progressively worse and not going away. Willow knew deep down what it meant. They hadn't been trying for another baby but they also hadn't been doing anything to avoid it either. Willow was scared. They had talked about having another kid but that didn't make it any less scary.

So now Willow was standing in their en suite bathroom looking at the box of pregnancy tests. She always kept a box in their bathroom for moments like these. She had taken a few but for most of them she knew it would be negative. This time she was pretty certain that the test would be positive. She finally mustered up the courage to pull a test out of the box and took a deep breath before doing what she needed to do. Waiting for the timer to ring was the longest three minutes of her life. When it finally went off she hesitantly picked up the test and a quiet gasp left her lips.

The word 'pregnant' was clear as day. "Oh my god," she whispered as tears began falling from her eyes. A million thoughts and emotions flooded her mind. What would Sebastian think? What would Aaliyah think? Could they handle another baby? Was she happy about this? She looked at the test again. Of course she was happy. This was a product of her and Sebastian's love for each other and she adored being a mom.

She was taken out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. "Baby are you okay in there? You've been in there for a while."

"Yeah, I'm okay! I'll be out in a second!"

"Okay. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

She waited until she heard his footsteps grow farther away to stand up. She quickly wiped her eyes and washed her face to try to get rid of the obvious tear stains on her cheeks. After taking a few more deep breaths she opened the bathroom door. She didn't think it was necessary to surprise Sebastian like she had last time and she didn't think she could keep it a secret long enough to plan something. She needed him and didn't want to do any part of this alone. So now she was on her way towards the kitchen where Sebastian said he'd be.

She walked in to see him cleaning up the kitchen. When he heard her he looked up at her with a worried smile. "You okay?" he asked. She simply nodded as she approached him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and just leaned against his chest. It seemed like she needed some comforting, so he placed his lips against her forehead as he ran his hand up and down her back. "What's going on?" he asked now worried that she was in fact not okay.

She pulled away from him and instead of answering, she reached into her back pocket, pulled out the test, and placed it in his hand. His eyes widened as he read the word on the test. He looked up at her with his tear filled eyes to see that she was also crying. "Oh my god," he breathed out. "You're pregnant!" He said excitedly.

"I'm pregnant," she smiled.

"We're having another baby!" He said as his excitement grew.

"We're having another baby!"

He picked her up in his arms and spun her around gently. "This is incredible!" he placed a passionate kiss on her lips. He set her down but kept her wrapped in his arms. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm so fucking happy right now."

"Me too," she smiled. "Do you think Aaliyah will be happy?"

"Why don't we go find out," he said as he grabbed her hand and began to lead them to the living room where she was watching a movie. Sebastian paused the movie and picked Aaliyah up and sat her on his lap while Willow sat beside them.

"Lia we have some good news to share with you." Willow smiled at her daughter. "You're going to be a big sister." Aaliyah looked at her confused, the two year old not fully understanding what that meant. "There's a baby in mommy's belly right now," she added, trying to clarify.

Aaliyah looked at her excitedly, "Baby!"

"Yeah we're gonna have a baby, Lia. You're gonna be a big sister and you're going to be the best of friends," Sebastian explained.

"I wanna see baby!" she squealed.

"Well we have a to wait a little bit until baby is ready to come out."

"We love you so much Lia," they both leaned in to give Aaliyah a kiss on her cheek, causing her to giggle.

"Love you mommy, daddy," she said happily.

Later that night while they were in bed, Sebastian looked at Willow. "I think it's time for us to look into buying a house."

Willow smiled, "I was thinking the same."

"Maybe we can go look at some places this weekend after your appointment. I can call the realtor to start finding some places for us."

"That sounds perfect. We can make a list of things we're looking for."

Sebastian's placed one hand on her cheek and one had on her belly and placed a kiss on her lips. "I can't wait for this next chapter in our lives. A new house, a new baby. Thank you for giving me this wonderful life."

"I love you so much Sebby."

"I love you too draga mea."

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