Chapter 49

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April 2022

Willow and Sebastian have been engaged for about a month now and they really wanted to get started on wedding planning. But before they could start any major planning, they had something important to do first. Pick their wedding party. "So I know Tyler and Chris are definitely in the wedding. Who else did you have in mind?" Willow asked.

"Well I was gonna ask Anthony and your brother," Sebastian said.

"Well that's perfect! I was gonna ask Scarlett and Elizabeth."

"Well why don't we start by telling Tyler and Chris?"

"Yeah okay. I'll ask Tyler to come over so we can tell him and then we can call Chris." Willow texted Tyler asking him to come over and thirty minutes later he walked in with the key they gave him.

"Hey guys!" Tyler said as he entered their home. Tyler made his way over and went straight to the nine month old girl sitting on the floor. "There's my favorite girl! I've missed you Lia!" He said as he cuddled her into his chest.

"You just saw her yesterday," Willow chuckled.

"And what about it?" Tyler teased. He went to say hi to Willow and Sebastian before setting Aaliyah back down on the floor and sitting down on the couch. "So what's up guys?"

"Well we wanted to talk to you about something," Willow started. "So as you know we're getting married. You are my best friend in the whole world and I was hoping that you would be my man of honor."

Tyler let out a shriek and jumped up off his seat and tackled Willow into a hug. "Of course I will be! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! Thank you so much!" Tyler paused as a very important question popped into his head. "So uh who's gonna be your best man?" Tyler asked Sebastian.

Willow and Sebastian both grinned already knowing what his reaction would be. "Chris."

"Chris? As in Chris Evans? Christopher Robert Evans?" he asked with wide eyes. Willow and Sebastian simply nodded. Tyler let our yet another shriek. "I'm gonna be walking down the aisle with Captain fucking America! I can die happy now," he dramatically fell back onto the couch. "Have you told him yet?"

"No we were gonna call him once we told you." Sebastian pulled out his phone and began to call Chris.


Calling Chris Evans

"Hey man! How's it going?"

S: "Hey! Everything's good!"

Sebastian picked up his daughter from the ground and placed the phone in front of her.

S: "Look who it is Lia! It's your Uncle Chris!"

"Hi my angel! I miss you so much! Hopefully I'll be able to see you again soon!"

Willow came into frame, smiling at her friend.

W: "Hey Chris!"

"Hey Will!"

S: "So there's something I wanted to talk to you about. So obviously, we're getting married. You are like a brother to me and I would love it if you were my best man."

"Oh my gosh! Absolutely! Thanks so much man! I'm so excited for you guys!"

W: "Thanks Chris!"

"So who is your maid of honor?"

Tyler popped his head into frame and waved.

T: "Surprise!"

Chris laughed as he did his iconic boob grab.

"This just got so much better! This is going to be amazing!"

W: "Ty was so excited that he used your full government name and referred to you as Captain fucking America."

T: "Do not expose me Will!"

"Don't worry Ty. We're gonna kill it at this wedding!"

T: "Hell yeah we are!"


They continued talking for a while longer before they hung up. Sebastian and Willow continued by calling Scarlett, Elizabeth, Anthony, and Indio. All of them so excited to be part of their special day. They also made sure to call Exton and Avri to let them know they'd be the flower girl and ring bearer. They didn't know what it meant but they were just happy to be included.

The next big thing they had to do was go dress and suit shopping. This is where things got a little complicated. Willow wanted it all the happen on the same day because she wanted them to all meet up together and discuss important wedding details. The first struggle was getting everyone available to come to New York at the same time. Once they finally chose a weekend, the next struggle was Tyler. He was a part of Willow's wedding party and she wanted him to go dress shopping with her but he also needed to go with the guys to get a suit. They eventually decided that the guys could go early in the morning and since they would most likely be finished quickly, Tyler could still go with the girls afterwards.

One of the biggest perks of Willow's job was having connections in the fashion world. When word got out of her engagement, many of her designer friends had offered to design her dress and the bridesmaids dresses. After a lot of thought, she finally decided on a designer she had worked with multiple times.

As expected, the guys weren't gone long. They got back to Willow and Sebastian's apartment to drop off Tyler so he could go with the girls. Before they left, the guys told them that they'd have dinner ready for when they got back.

When Willow, Tyler, Scarlett, and Elizabeth arrived at the shop, they were led directly to the dresses that had been made for them. Willow had been working with the designer to make the bridesmaids dresses and was excited for them to see them. She ended up going with two different dresses in the same color so that they didn't look exactly the same. They were both very happy with the ones they chose.

Trying on Willow's dress went as expected. Of course there were a lot of tears involved and a lot of telling Willow how good she looked. They all loved how different her dress was and were so excited to see Sebastian's reaction to it.

As promised, when they got back home, the guys had dinner ready for them. They all spent the rest of the night mingling and playing with Aaliyah of course, and gushing over how cute she was. It was a successful start to long list of wedding planning they had to do.

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