Chapter 82

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September 2026

Sebastian made sure to be the one to take and pick up Aaliyah from school the rest of the week. He also made it a point to do a fun family activity everyday after they got home. He would be leaving to go film his new movie today and while he was very excited, he was absolutely dreading having to leave his family for three months.

The car ride to airport was very silent. Well apart from the small sniffles being heard from the backseat. Willow looked to Sebastian, who sat in the passenger seat, and saw tears falling from his eyes. She reached over and intertwined her hand with his and ran circles over it with her thumb. He smiled before placing a kiss on her hand and settling it back on his lap. She knew there was not much she could say to make him feel better. He was sad. He was going to be gone from his family for three months. Sure he was used to being gone from Willow for long periods of time when they were dating, but it didn't make it any easier, especially now that they had two daughters.

When they got to the airport, they found the emptiest spot in the parking lot that they could. They wanted to have as much privacy as possible while they said their goodbyes. Sebastian took his luggage out of the car while Willow got the girls out of their carseats. Once she got them out of the car, she sadly said to them, "It's time to say bye to daddy." Both girls nodded before making their way over to their dad.

Sebastian went on his knees and opened his arms up, both girls running into him. The girls couldn't help but cry. Sebastian felt his heart shatter at the sound of their sobs being muffled by his chest. "I'm going to miss you girls so much. But I will FaceTime you girls every day. I want you both to be good for mommy, okay?" Both girls nodded along sadly. "I love you girls more than anything," he kissed them both their heads before squeezing them one last time. "I have to go say bye to mommy now."

"I love you daddy," both girls said, well Athena was more like a babble. They both kissed him on the cheek before moving aside so he could say bye to their mom.

Sebastian walked over to Willow, who was already crying watching the interaction in front of her. Watching her daughters sob into her husband's chest was absolutely heart breaking. He pulled her into his chest and they both held each other, not wanting to let go. "I'm sorry for doing this," he sighed.

She lifted her head from his chest and took his face in her hands, "Don't you ever apologize for doing what you love. I know the girls may not fully understand why you're doing this, but we all support you and we are all so proud of you. I know you will kill this role just like you do every role."

"I love you so much dragă mea," he leaned down to kiss her. Neither of them wanted it to end, but they knew they had to part ways. When their lips separated, they leaned their foreheads together.

"I love you Sebastian. We'll be okay," she smiled. "Call me when you get there."

He nodded before grabbing his bags and looking at his family once more. He set his bag down and called his family into one last group hug. Willow and Sebastian squished the girls between them and stayed like that for about a minute before he let go. He picked his bag back up and smiled through the tears. "I love you girls!" he shouted before he turned to walk away.

"We love you daddy!" they shouted back. Trying to hold back their tears that were once more threatening to fall.

The drive back was another silent one. Willow tried cheering them up by playing some of their favorite songs for them. The crying stopped but there was no singing like their usually was. When they got home, both girls went straight to Aaliyah's room without a word. Willow knew it was going to be hard on them but she didn't want them to keep being sad. An idea popped into her head, and she called the one person who always knew how to cheer them up.

About an hour later, Tyler and Sam both walked into the house. Willow greeted them both and thanked them for coming. She went up to get the girls and told them there was a surprise waiting for them downstairs. They walked down slowly, not really wanting a surprise, but their faces both lit up when they saw who was there. "Uncle Ty! Uncle Sam!" the girls ran to the two men and jumped into their arms.

"Hello my beautiful girls!"

"Are you girls ready to have some fun?!"

"What are we going to do?" Aaliyah asked.

"How about we bake some cookies? Do some karaoke? Watch some movies? Whatever you girls want!"

"Yay! C'mon let's go make cookies!"

The rest of the day involved the adults just trying their hardest to cheer up the girls. They knew that they were still sad about their dad leaving but they would do anything they could to help the girls be happy. It was going to be a tough three months but Willow knew she had tons of people there to help her.


Tyler Jones posted a photo

tylerjones spending the day with my favorite girls (Thena was too busy with Sam and didn't want to take goofy picture with us)tagged: @willowstan @imsebastinstan @samneal

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tylerjones spending the day with my favorite girls (Thena was too busy with Sam and didn't want to take goofy picture with us)
tagged: @willowstan @imsebastinstan @samneal

imsebastianstan I already miss them so much
tylerjonas she told me to tell you "I miss you daddy!"
imsebastianstan I'm sobbing in my hotel room
willowstan we'll see you soon baby!

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