Chapter 9

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February 2017

Willow ran straight to her trailer after leaving Sebastian's. She technically didn't need one but she was really glad her dad insisted on her getting one. She stormed in making Tyler bolt up from his deep sleep. "Oh my god Will you scared the shit out of me!" Tyler said as he rubbed his eyes. Once he got a good look at Willow he noticed the worried look on her face. He furrowed his brows, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Umm I kinda just um hadsexwithSebastian."

"Slow down a little. You what?"

"I had sex with Sebastian!"

"Oh. My. God." Willow held her face in her hands barely peeking out to see Tyler grin at her. "How was it?"

"That's all you have to say?!"

"We'll discuss it after. First answer my question, was he any good?"

Willow smirked, "Incredible."

"I knew it," he paused. "So what's the problem?"

"Well we almost got caught by Evans and Anthony so I hid in the closet. Then when I left I just said 'Thanks for that, it was great.' I didn't know what to say to him."

"Well you gotta talk to him eventually."

"I know but not now. C'mon I'm hungry, let's go eat!" Willow basically dragged Tyler out of the trailer towards catering. She was praying that Sebastian wouldn't still be there with Chris and Anthony and thankfully her prayers were answered. The only ones who were there were Scarlett and Elizabeth.

"Hey ladies! How's it going?"

"Good! Just taking a break before we get called back. How about you? What have you two been up to today?"

"Well I was taking a nap before I was rudely interrupted by this one storming into her trailer," Tyler joked. Willow smacked Tyler on the back of the head, glaring at him to keep his mouth shut.

"What the heck Willow? Why'd you smack him?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah Willow why'd you smack me?" Tyler teased as he rubbed his head.

"Sorry there was a bee," she said plainly.

"Okay anyways. What'd you do today Willow?" Scarlett asked.

"Just hung out on the Wakanda set. Got some shots of Chadwick and Sebastian. Haven't really done much else."

"Sounds fun. How'd the boys look?" Elizabeth asked.

"Great. Yeah they both look great," she smiled. Willow's phone let her know she had a new message. When she pulled it out she couldn't help the way her eyes widened at the message.



Wiener Soldier 🦾
hey can we talk?

Willow 🥰
I'll meet you in your trailer in 5


"Um sorry guys I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Before they could say anything, she was off headed towards Sebastian's trailer.

When he heard the knock, he immediately opened the door and pulled her in. "Hey," he said shyly.

"Hey is everything okay?" she asked.

"Um yeah I just wanted to make sure you're okay?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you kinda just bolted out of here as soon as you had the chance. We didn't even get the chance to talk about what happened."

"Well what is there to talk about? We had sex, what's the big deal?"

"Well it was kind of a big deal to me. I mean I think I've made it pretty obvious by now, but I like you."

She looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. "Sebastian having a crush on me isn't the same thing as you liking me. You don't even really know me. How would you even know if you really like me?"

"Because I can't think straight when I'm around you," he said as he slowly began to approach her. "Yeah it may have started out as a crush and you may think I don't really know you but I do. I know that you are the kindest person I have probably ever met. We may have only ever had a handful of conversation but I've never felt so comfortable around someone. When you're not around, I wish you were just so I could get the chance to get to know you more, even if it's the tiniest bit. And don't even get me started on how incredibly beautiful you are."

"I can't get into a relationship right now Sebastian," she sighed.

"Can you just answer me one thing then?" She nodded softly at him to continue. "Do you like me?"

She couldn't help but blush at his question. "Yes. I really do Sebastian but I'm just not ready for something right now."

"I'm willing to wait for you. In the meantime, maybe we can get to know each other better?"

"I'd like that," she smiled softly. She took a step closer to him and ran her finger down his chest, "And I don't think it would hurt to maybe have a repeat of what happened earlier. I mean I don't know about you but I had an amazing time," she said as she moved her hands to gently pull at the hair on the nape of his neck.

He groaned when she moved her lips to leave open mouthed kisses to his neck. "I think I can do that," he said. He grabbed her by the cheeks and moved her lips to his and took the opportunity to move his hands down to her ass.

"Hmm I could get used to this," she moaned into his mouth. She reluctantly moved away from his lips and cupped his cheeks in her hands. Before they moved forward, she wanted to make sure he was okay with her decision. "I know it may not be what you want but it's all I could give your right now. Are you sure you're willing to wait?"

"You're worth the wait."

"Thank you," she smiled before wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his chest.

He couldn't help but look down at her and smile. He wanted something serous with her but he was okay with going for something casual first. She admitted to liking him so could only hope that it meant when she was ready, she'd want something more. He knew there was a chance of him getting hurt but she was worth it.

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