Chapter 79

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May 2026

Sunday was usually spent waking up late and just having a family day. Today was going to be a little different. Sebastian and the girls were up early working on a big surprise breakfast for Willow. Mother's Day was a big deal in the Stan household. Sebastian always did what he could to make sure Willow knew how appreciated she was all year, but Mother's Day was extra special.

"Lia I'm going to make breakfast for mommy. You and Thena are going to make a card for her,"

"Okay daddy!"

Sebastian set Aaliyah and Athena at the table with paper and crayons. Aaliyah was hard at work. Since Athena couldn't really color by herself yet, Aaliyah did her best to help her little sister work on the card as well. While the girls worked on the card, Sebastian made chocolate chip pancakes, which were Willow's favorite. He also cut up some strawberries. He served the girl and himself breakfast and fed them before putting Willow's breakfast on a tray. Along with an iced coffee and a single rose. "Girls is the card ready?"

"Yes daddy! Look what me and Thena did!" Aaliyah handed it to him excitedly. She was not the best artist but Willow always loved the drawings she made. She tried her best and always had a great time doing it.

"It's beautiful baby! She'll love it. Let's go wake her up," he said as he put the card on the tray. He helped Athena down from her high chair and set her down on the floor. "I have to carry the tray so you're going to have to help your sister up the stairs okay. Make sure you grab her hand and walk slow so no one gets hurt."

The girls started walking up the stairs together, Sebastian following closely behind them in case something happened. They successfully made it up the stairs without anyone getting hurt and walked towards Willow and Sebastian's room. They quietly opened the door and peeked in to see that Willow was already awake and on her phone with Bucky laying by her feet. "Happy Mother's Day!" they all screamed.

Aaliyah ran to jump on her mom. Sebastian set the tray down on the dresser and then lifted Athena and put her on the bed and both girls cuddled into their mom. Willow pulled her girls into a hug and peppered both their faces with kisses. "Thank you my sweet girls," she smiled.

"Lia why don't you get the present you and Athena made." Aaliyah jumped off the bed and ran to grab the card from the tray and ran back to the bed. She handed Willow the card and looked at her mother excitedly.

The card was a stick figure drawing of Willow, Sebastian, Aaliyah, Athena, and Bucky with the words 'Happy Mother's Day!' at the top. She of course recognized the writing to be Sebastian's since the girls didn't know how to spell yet. Everything about it was absolutely perfect in Willow's eyes. "This is beautiful! I love it!"

Willow enjoyed the breakfast that Sebastian cooked for her and got dressed for the day. Sebastian had planned a whole movie day in their backyard. He set up a big screen, pillows, and snacks for their whole family. Sebastian was already outside with Athena. Aaliyah insisted on being the one to bring her mom out and she even went as far as to put a scarf over her eyes to blindfold her.

"C'mon mommy!" Aaliyah said as she pulled her mother towards the backyard.

"Honey, you gotta slow down," she chuckled. Shockingly, Willow managed to get outside without tripping. Once Aaliyah told her to take off her blindfold, Willow stood in shock. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing!"

"Happy Mother's Day mommy!" Aaliyah shouted as she lifted her arms up towards her mom. Willow picked her up and squeezed her before walking to where Sebastian stood holding Athena.

"Happy Mother's Day sweetheart," Sebastian said before leaning in to kiss her. "So the girls picked a bunch of movies for you to choose from, so go ahead and pick what you wanna start with."

"Hmm how about Onward?"

"Yes! Uncle Tommy is in it!" Aaliyah said excitedly causing Sebastian to groan. "Daddy you love Uncle Tommy! Stop lying!" she giggled.

"I know but you can't tell anyone," he smirked.

They spent the rest of the day watching movies in the backyard, having dinner delivered and eating before they watched their final movie. Both girls ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie so they decided to just end the night. They stood up to turn off all the candles and shut off the movie and grabbed the projector and laptop and took it inside. Once they cleaned up a little bit they gently picked up both girls and carried them upstairs with Bucky following behind.

Once Willow and Sebastian were in bed, he opened up his nightstand and pulled out a box. He turned to her and handed her the gift.

"Seb you've already done so much for me today, you didn't have to buy me anything."

"You do so much for us everyday, I would spoil you with gifts everyday if I could," he smiled.

She leaned in to kiss him and grabbed the box from him. Inside it was a beautiful gold chain necklace with four birthstones on it. A ruby for Aaliyah, a topaz for Athena, a peridot for Sebastian, and an emerald for her. "This is beautiful. Thank you," she smiled up at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too sweetheart. Happy Mother's Day."


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imsebastianstan happy mother's day to my beautiful wife. we love you!
tagged: @willowstan

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