Chapter 37

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November 2020

Willow found out she was pregnant about a week ago and she was absolutely overjoyed. She was struggling to keep the secret, not wanting to tell anyone other than Scarlett before Sebastian knew. To distract herself she worked on her plan on how to tell Sebastian. She was incredibly nervous to tell him, she wasn't sure how he would react. She was hopeful that he'd be excited but there was still a little part of her that imagined the worst case scenarios.

Normally when Sebastian was flying back home, Willow would be the one to pick him up. This time she told him that she had some work to do so he was just going to take a cab. The truth was that she had to make sure everything was set up for his surprise and she also knew she wouldn't be able to keep her nerves in check during the car ride.

When Sebastian finally arrived, he was surprised to see their living room was full of balloons and flowers. "Will? I'm home!"

Willow came running out of her room, "Seb!" she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I've missed you!" she planted a big kiss on his lips.

"I've missed you too draga. But umm, what is all this? It's not either of our birthdays or our anniversary." He asked pointing to all the balloons and flowers.

"I just wanted to surprise you when you got home. Bucky has a surprise for you too," she smiled. "Bucky! Come say hi to daddy!"

Bucky came running out and got so excited to see Sebastian that he ran straight to him, begging to be picked up. Sebastian happily lifted him and gave him a sweet kiss on the head. "I've missed you Buck! Look at your little sweater! You look so cute!" Sebastian turned Bucky in his arms to get a closer look at his outfit. His eyes widened when he read what it said, "I'm going to be a big brother." Sebastian looked up to Willow, then down at her outstretched hands. She was holding a pregnancy test. He slowly reached for it and tears formed in his eyes when he read what it said. He looked back up to a teary eyed Willow, "Yo-you're pregnant?"

"Yeah I am," she said through her tears.

"I'm gonna be a dad? Like to a human, not just a dog?"

"Yeah Seb. We're gonna be parents."

"Oh my god. We're gonna be parents! We're gonna have a baby!" He brought her into the biggest hug possible, with Bucky still in his arms. "I love you so much draga mea! This is the best homecoming gift I could've ever asked for."

"My first appointment is tomorrow and we'll find out how far along I am."

"And when can we start telling people?"

"Most people wait until the second trimester, so at around fourteen weeks. The only person that knows is Scarlett and that's cause she was with me when I took the test."

"Well I'll make sure to call her to thank her for being there for you," Sebastian smiled.

They spent the rest of the day celebrating the big news. Sebastian did as he said and called Scarlett to thank her. She made sure to congratulate him and promised to keep the pregnancy a secret until they decided to share it.

The next day they were waiting in the lobby of the OB/GYN office and they were both extremely nervous. "Willow Downey," they heard a nurse call. They got up and walked over and were escorted to their room. "Here is a gown for you to change in to. The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said before closing the door to give them privacy.

Within a few minutes, a female doctor walked in, "Hello Mrs. Downey and Mr. Stan. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Dr. Hernandez. So why don't we start off by confirming your pregnancy. I'm going to run a urine and blood test." She handed a cup to Willow and had her go the the restroom, when she came back she collected a blood sample from her before instructing her to sit on the bed again. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

As soon as the doctor walked out, Sebastian sensed her nervousness and wanted to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and placed a lingering kiss on her head. "You okay?" he whispered against her head. He felt her nod her head and looked down to see her smile.

A few minutes passed before Dr. Hernandez knocked and came back in smiling. "Well you are definitely pregnant! Congratulations!"

"Thank you! I can't believe we're gonna be parents!" Sebastian was beaming.

"So I will need more information on your medical history. Is there anything I need to know? I will of course be talking to your primary care physician but I want to hear if there is anything you want me to know now."

"Not really. I have always been pretty healthy."

"Okay that's great to hear. I will be in contact with your physician to get all your records." The doctor smiled at the couple, "So are you ready to see your baby?"

"Yes!" they both said with so much excitement in their voices.

The doctor set up the ultrasound machine. She prepped Willow and began to rub the gel over her belly. Then the doctor moved the transducer along her abdomen. "It looks like you are pretty early, I would say about six weeks so we might not see much," she paused as she looked at the screen and pointed to a small blob. "And there's your baby!"

"Oh my god Sebastian! Look at our baby!" Willow teared up.

"Wow," was all Sebastian was able to say. They continued to just stare at the screen in awe. They were broken out of his trance once the sound of a heartbeat began to fill the room.

"And there is a very healthy heartbeat," the doctor smiled.

"I'm already so in love with our baby."

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