Chapter 48

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March 2022

Willow woke up the next day to noise coming from their kitchen. She expected to feel Sebastian next to her but was surprised to be met with an empty bed. Willow was still exhausted from their late night activities. When they went to bed last night, they had spent hours showing each other how much they loved each other. The only reason she didn't stay in bed was because she heard multiple people in the house and was curious as to who was there.

She took a quick shower and got herself ready for the day. She slowly made her way out of her bedroom and towards the kitchen and was overjoyed to hear the familiar voices. When she stepped into the kitchen she was met with her and Sebastian's family; Robert, Susan, Georgetta, Indio, Exton, and Avri were all there. Susan was the first one to notice her and ran over to her daughter. "Willow!" she said as she wrapped her arms tightly around her. "Oh honey I am so happy for you!"

"Thank you mom," she smiled.

"Let me see the ring!" Susan squealed. Willow held her hand out and her mom gasped. "Wow it looks even more beautiful than it did in the box!"

"Ooh I wanna see!" Georgetta said as she walked over with an eight month old Aaliyah in her arms. "Wow Seba you did good," she turned back to smile at her son. She turned back to look at Willow and brought her into the best hug she could without hurting Aaliyah. "Welcome to the family Willow."

"Thank you Georgie."

"Oh please call me mamă," she smiled. "As long as your mother is okay with that of course," she said quickly.

"Of course it is Georgie! We're family now!" Susan reassured her.

Robert approached her once she was done with the women and brought her in a big hug. "Congratulations sweetheart," he choked out. "I can't believe my little girl is growing up but I am thrilled for you both."

"Thank you dad," she said as she placed a kiss on his cheek and stepped away from the hug. "As happy as I am to see you all in my house, what are you all doing here?" she chuckled.

"Well I figured since we will all soon be a family we should celebrate the beginning of that together," Sebastian said.

"Aww sweetheart that's beautiful. Thank you," she smiled before walking over and giving him a kiss.

"So can I tell the group about the news?" Robert asked excitedly.

"No dad! You got to tell them about Aaliyah, it's our turn now," Willow chuckled. Robert pouted but knew it was only fair, since it was their news to share.


Group Chat
Avengers Ass-emble ✨

Willow 🤍
we have some news to share with you all!

Sebs 🖤

Sebs 🖤

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