Chapter 64

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August 2023

One of Aaliyah's favorite things to do was go to the park. The two year old loved to run around, go down the slide, and be pushed by her parents on the swing. Willow and Sebastian didn't always get to both take her because of their busy schedules but when they could, they would make a whole day out of it. They would pack a whole picnic basket, take blankets, and Aaliyah would pick a few toys to play with.

Willow was currently packing up their picnic basket with lunch, snacks, drinks, and a few treats for Bucky. Sebastian was upstairs with Aaliyah, getting her dressed and ready for the day.

"Will are you ready to go?" Sebastian walked into the kitchen hand in hand with Aaliyah as she walked next to her dad.

"Yeah. I'm just putting the things in the stroller. Can you go get the blankets while I strap her in?"

"Yup. Did you pack the sunblock?"

"Oh no I didn't. Do you mind getting that too?"

"Anything else while I'm up there?"

"Maybe some hats, it's pretty hot out today."

Sebastian went up to get the things Willow asked for along with her sunglasses that she had forgotten on her dresser. Once the stroller was all packed and Aaliyah was strapped in, Sebastian put the leash on Bucky and they were finally on their way.

The park was a short walk away from their home so it only took a few minutes for them to arrive. Aaliyah's eyes lit up when they arrived at the park. "Go play!" she said enthusiastically as she pointed towards the playground.

"We need to eat first and then we can go play," Sebastian said as he unbuckled her from her stroller and set her down on her feet.

"Okay daddy," she smiled before sitting down on the grass next to Bucky. Willow and Sebastian worked on setting up the blanket to sit on. They both turned to see her gently hugging Bucky. Suddenly he started licking her face making the little girl burst out in loud giggles. "Bucky kiss me!" she squealed.

Willow and Sebastian couldn't help but laugh at how cute it was. They offered Bucky a treat and he stopped licking Aaliyah and ran over to grab his snack from Willow. Aaliyah stood up and sat down in between Sebastian's legs and cuddled into her father.

Willow opened up the picnic basket and started to take out sandwiches, salad, fruit, cookies, and water. She began to prepare a small plate for Aaliyah and one for Sebastian and herself. They had both had gotten really good at eating while also feeding Aaliyah at the same time. They were so thankful that she was not a picky eater, pretty much eating whatever they gave her. Aaliyah was a happy little girl as she ate her sandwich, salad, and fruit. Willow and Sebastian made small talk as they ate lunch together, enjoying each other's company.

"Cookie?" Aaliyah asked. She knew she couldn't have dessert until she finished her food so she always made sure to eat everything before even asking. Once Willow saw that she finished all of her food, she happily gave her the cookie she asked for.

Once they were all done eating, cleaned up a little bit, and relaxed, it was finally time to go play. "Lia are you ready to go play?" Willow asked excitedly.

"Yes!" Aaliyah screamed.

"Let's go then!" Sebastian said as he quickly picked her up and put her on his shoulders. Aaliyah giggled and screamed loudly as Sebastian started running towards the playground. Willow smiled at the sight as she finished putting everything back in the stroller and grabbed Bucky to follow them.

She eventually caught up to them as Aaliyah was going down the slide. "Again! Again!" she cheered. Sebastian picked her up and put her back on the top of the slide so that she could go down again. When she reached the bottom, she stood up and grabbed Willow's hand. "Swing mommy!" she said pulling Willow towards the swings. She put her arms up so that Willow could lift her up and place her into the swing. Aaliyah couldn't help but giggle as Willow started to push her. Sebastian chuckled at how excited Aaliyah was as she swung back and forth. She turned to look at him, "Daddy push Lia and mommy!"

"You heard the boss," Sebastian chuckled. "Get on the swing." Willow giggled as Sebastian started to push them both on the swings.

They played for about an hour before Aaliyah started to get visibly tired. Sebastian lifted her up to put her back in her stroller but her grip tightened on him, wanting to be held by her father instead. Sebastian chuckled as he repositioned her so that she could sleep comfortably in his arms. They began to make the short walk back to their house. They seemed to all be extremely tired from their trip to the park so they all ended up falling asleep together on Willow and Sebastian's bed, including Bucky. It was a great end to a great day.


Willow Stan posted a photo

willowstan the cutest duo to existtagged: @imsebastianstan

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willowstan the cutest duo to exist
tagged: @imsebastianstan

anthonymackie I think you're forgetting about me and sexy seabass. the actual cutest duo to exist
willowstan I think you're more obsessed with my husband than I am
anthonymackie that is absolutely true
imsebastianstan oh god

username dad sebastian is my favorite sebastian


Sebastian Stan posted a photo

imsebastianstan my whole worldtagged: @willowstan

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imsebastianstan my whole world
tagged: @willowstan

robertdowneyjr my girls look so beautiful!

scarlettjohansson my goddaughter is so fucking adorable!

username HER SHOES!

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