Chapter 95

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Fifteen year old Athena was hiding a big secret. It was something she had been really struggling with and she was scared. Scared of what people would say. Scared of what people would do. Scared her family wouldn't accept her. She knew there was really only two people she could go to for help.

"Thena what are you doing here? Are you here alone? How'd you get here?"

"Hi Uncle Ty. I took a taxi. I really need your help."

"Oh gosh your parents must be worried sick. Come on in. Are you okay?"

"I don't know." Athena was led into the house to the living room and saw Sam sitting on the couch.

"Hi Thena! What a wonderful surprise," Sam smiled. He noticed Athena's nervous demeanor, "Is everything okay?"

"I just really needed to talk to someone and you two are the only ones I know that could help me."

"Well come have a seat," Tyler patted the spot between him and his husband. "Now tell us what's wrong."

"How did you guys come out?" she asked nervously.

"Like as gay?" Sam asked to clarify. Athena nodded, looking down at her hands.

"Honey are you trying to tell us something?" Tyler asked, wrapping her hand in his. She nodded again, still not daring to look up. Tyler and Sam looked at each other with soft smiles. "Well I told my parents when I was a senior in high school. I kinda just blurted it out. Sadly, they did not react well and kicked me out once I graduated. But lucky for me, I moved to Paris and met your mom. Them kicking me out probably ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me."

"My family always kinda knew. One day my mom and dad just asked me and I said yes. I was blessed with a very open minded, accepting family," Sam grabbed her other hand and squeezed it lightly. "Thena would you like to tell us why you're asking us this?"

She took a deep breath, still not looking up at them. "I'm bi."

They both brought her into a hug. "I'm so happy for you Thena."

"This is a big step. I'm assuming we're the first people you've told?"


"Are you going to tell your family?"

"I'm scared."

"Thena you have nothing to be scared of. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that your family loves you. They will be so proud of you."

Athena couldn't help the tears that started to fall. "Can you come with me?" she finally looked up to them.

"Of course we can. We love you Thena."

"I love you guys too," she sniffled.

Athena unlocked the front door to her house and heard footsteps run towards the door. "Athena where have you been? We've been worried sick!" Willow said, running towards Athena who stood still at the door. Willow stopped when she saw Tyler and Sam come into view behind her. "What are you guys doing here? Did something happen?"

"Thena needed some advice," Tyler said, seeing Athena's nervousness.

"Is everything okay?" Willow asked worryingly.

"I think we should all go talk in the living room," Sam said,

"Um okay. Do I need to get Seb and Lia?" Willow asked. Athena nodded as she started making her way to the living room with Sam. Once she was out of earshot, Willow leaned towards Tyler. "What's going on?"

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