Chapter 83*

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March 10, 2027. It's been ten years since Willow asked Sebastian to be her boyfriend. In those ten years they got a dog, moved in together, had a baby, got married, bought a house, and had another baby. They loved each other deeply and they felt as if their lives were perfect. Sure they had a few ups and downs and a few arguments here and there but they were deeply and madly in love.

Robert and Susan wanted to have dinner with them to celebrate their anniversary. They weren't really planning on doing anything to celebrate. Their wedding anniversary was only a few days after their dating anniversary so they only really celebrated that one, and it would only be their fourth one so they were just gonna go out to dinner with the girls.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Aaliyah shouted as she ran into her grandparent's house.

"Lia my dear!" Robert said, wrapping her in his arms.

Athena soon followed, trying to keep up with her sister. "Gwampa! Gwama!"

"Thena!" Susan opened her arms wide for the little girl to run into them.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" Willow said going to hug her parents, Sebastian doing the same.

"Happy anniversary!"

"Thanks," they smiled.

"Where are Avri and Exton?"

"Upstairs," Susan said. "Lia, why don't you go get them and tell them that dinner is ready. "Aaliyah happily ran up to get her aunt and uncle.

They sat around and ate the delicious meal that was cooked. Once they were done they moved to the living room to continue their conversations. After a while, Robert suddenly stood up and came back a few seconds later with a large envelope in his hands. He handed it to Willow without saying a word. She started at him in confusion before opening it. The first thing she pulled out was a note.

Willow and Sebastian,
It has been ten years since you started dating. Ten years of watching your family grow into the beautiful thing it is now. Ten years of happiness. Ten years of love. You guys deserve to go celebrate.

With love,
Mom and Dad

Willow and Sebastian's eyes went wide as they pulled out two plane tickets, and a whole itinerary for a whole week in Cancún. "This is too much. You guys didn't have-"

Willow was interrupted by her dad. "Of course we did. We couldn't let you guys just not celebrate ten years of being together."

"But what about the girls?"

"Well it's only Monday to Sunday so Georgie is going to stay at your house and take Lia to school.
And then we'll go stay with the girls once Avri and Exton are off school on Friday. We have everything covered, don't worry."

"Thank you guys. We really appreciate you doing this for us," Sebastian got up to hug his in laws.

"You guys deserve it," Susan smiled.

A week later, they were on their way to Cancún. As soon as they walked out of the airport, there was a car waiting for them. Her parents really did arrange everything for them. They didn't even realize when they read all the booking information that they were going to be staying at the same house they stayed at when they went to Cancún for Sebastian's birthday.

"Seb! This is where we stayed for your birthday! It's where we first went public about our relationship," she grabbed his hand as they walked into the house.

"We've come a long way," he said leaning in to kiss her. "I love you so much Will."

"I love you too Seb," she wrapped her arms around him and just enjoyed being with him. She pulled away and whispered into his ear, "Meet me in the room in fifteen minutes."

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