Chapter 56

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March 2023

Before they knew it, it was the day of their wedding. They were both on opposite sides of the venue, getting ready with their bridesmaids, groomsmen, and families.

"So how are you feeling Seba?" Georgeta asked as she helped Sebastian put his suit on.

"I just can't wait to be able to call her my wife," Sebastian said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Well I can't wait for her to officially be a part of our family," she said as she went to hug her son.

He turned to his groomsmen who all gave him words of encouragement and he was feeling so loved. He couldn't help but tear up at the kind words his friends said, especially Indio. "Thank your making my sister the happiest I've ever seen her and for loving her and my niece so much. I love you man."

"Thanks bro. I love you too," he gave his soon to be brother-in-law a hug.

Willow was so excited to be getting married to Sebastian. She just couldn't wait to be able to call him her husband. She loved him so much and couldn't believe how lucky she was to be with him. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. Susan got up and opened the door and in walked her dad, "Wow Will. You look beautiful."

She got up to hug him, "Thank you dad. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

It was time for them to all make their way out to start walking down the aisle. They all lined up and began making their way out towards the officiant. Georgetta and Susan both walked out holding Aaliyah's hands. Sebastian made his way out followed by Chris and Tyler, Anthony and Scarlett, and finally Indio and Elizabeth.

The music started playing signaling Willow's turn to walk out. Everyone stood up as the doors opened up. Sebastian's fought to hold back tears as his eyes met Willow's. She looked so beautiful and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to be able to marry her. She was now standing in front of him and they both hugged Robert before grabbing each other's hands. They looked into each others eyes and whispered "I love you" to each other.

The officiant began by welcoming everyone and before they knew it, it was time to exchange their vows. Sebastian was up first. "Willow, since the day I met you all those years ago on set, I knew I wanted you in my life forever. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with you. With you beauty, your kindness, and your support. We have been through so much together and I will continue to be by your side through it all. You gave me the best gift ever when Aaliyah was born. She is perfect just like her mother. You deserve the world and I intend on giving it to you. You have made me the happiest man in the world and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. I love you Willow, with my whole heart."

"Willow it's your turn now to read your vows."

She gently wiping her tears before speaking. "Before I even met you, I had the biggest crush on you. I remember when I saw that you had filmed a movie with my dad, I was so upset that I wasn't there to be able to meet you. But then a few years later, I got my chance. When we met, I wasn't ready for a relationship. Even when we started seeing each other, I wasn't fully ready, but you were patient and understanding. But asking you to be my boyfriend was the best decision I ever made. You showed me a love I never knew was possible. There is no way I can ever fully describe the way I feel about you because there are no words to capture the amount of love I feel for you. I love you Sebastian. With everything that I am, I love you."

"Sebastian and Willow please join hands. Sebastian do you take Willow as your wife, in front of all your loved ones, and promise to stay by her side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Willow do you take Sebastian as your husband, in front of all your loved ones, and promise to stay by his side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Chris stepped forward and handed the rings to the officiant. "Sebastian please repeat after me: I, Sebastian, give you, Willow this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." Sebastian repeated what he was told. "Willow please repeat after me: I, Willow, give you, Sebastian this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." Willow repeated it before she started jumping for joy.

"Sebastian and Willow, by the power vested in me, I am pleased to pronounce you husband and wife. Sebastian, you may kiss your bride." Willow wrapped her arms around his as Sebastian put his hands on her cheeks, both of then sharing a deep kiss. They let go and pressed their foreheads against each other. "Ladies and gentlemen, I now have the privilege of presenting, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Stan!"

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