Chapter 4

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January 2017

The first day on set was incredible. It was more of just a meet up for everybody, the first day of actual filming wasn't until tomorrow so Robert decided to invite the cast over for a dinner party at their rented home. Willow was finishing up with setting the table when a knock came from the front door. "I'll get it!" yelled Robert. The house was filled with the sounds of multiple people greeting Robert. They eventually all made their way over to the dining room where Willow was and all greeted her as well.

"Willow are we getting the honor of having some of your famous baking tonight?" Hiddleston asked as he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course! I couldn't leave my favorite Brit without his precious dessert!" she smirked.

"You know me too well," he giggled.

Everyone sat around the table as Willow brought out the rest of the food. The only seat that was left was between Hiddleston and Sebastian. She couldn't help but think it was planned when she heard some of the guys laughing at Sebastian as he tried to hide his smile. She wasn't complaining though, Sebastian seemed like a great guy and he was of course nice to look at but she was also excited to be able to sit next to Tom too. The two of them had become very close on the set of The Avengers and even more over the past few years. Since they met, they had hit it off and while she was in Paris, she saw him a few times when he had some time off.

"Thank you all for joining us today," Robert said as he raised his glass, "Here's to all of you. I wish you all the best of luck and success during this movie." Everyone cheered at his words and thanked him and Willow for hosting dinner. Most of the cast knew each other from either previous Marvel movies, other work, or just because they were all famous. But most of them, other than those in the first Avengers and first two Iron Man movies, had no idea Willow even existed.

"So Robert how come we had no idea you had an older daughter?" Anthony asked. Many of the others in the room nodded in agreement. They all wanted to know more about Robert's 'secret daughter.'

"Well it's not like I kept her a secret. She was always on set with me before she moved. I mean she's known about out in the media but I guess she just never really came up in conversation," Robert said.

"It's probably mainly my fault. Once I left to Paris, I kind of just left everything behind. I stayed in contact with everyone but I didn't really see anyone but my family and occasionally Tom," Willow said as she patted Hiddleston's hand. Sebastian couldn't help the jealousy that arose when she said that.

"Wait a minute! You mean to tell us that you hung out with Tom but not the rest of us?" Hemsworth exclaimed.

"Well when he is back home in London he would occasionally fly out to visit me. I mean its only like an hour flight away." Sebastian felt himself relax a little bit at that. Just a little bit though, he'd have to find out more about the relationship that the two had. "And it's not like I had no contact with you guys, we talked often. You guys know pretty much everything that's happened to me since I left."

"Well let's just be glad she's back," Scarlett smiled.

"I haven't really spoken to you much so I would love to hear about what you've been up to the past few years," Don said.

"Well I mainly work for fashion magazines and the occasional fashion show, mainly during fashion week. On the side, I do work for movies and shows, doing pretty much what I'll be doing for this one. And sometimes my friends will have me do photoshoots with them for fun. So photography is pretty much all I do."

"That sounds awesome!" Holland said.

"Any boys?" Elizabeth smirked.

"I'd rather not talk about that in front of my dad," she giggled. Robert and Sebastian both stiffened at that. "Later," Willow said towards Scarlett and Elizabeth, causing them both to laugh.

"So are you moving back to America?" Evans asked.

"I'm not sure yet. For now, yes, but I kinda just gotta see where work takes me. I'm open to anything though honestly. As long as I get to keep doing photography, I'm happy doing it from anywhere."

"Well we're gonna have to make sure we find you some work here then. Don't wanna have to go five years of not seeing you again," Mark said.

Willow laughed, "Well we'll see what happens after this."

"So Will, why don't we hear more about your love of Gossip Girl?" Anthony mentioned randomly, causing small snickers to be heard around the room.

Sebastian looked towards him, shooting him daggers, "No I don't think we need to talk about that," he said.

"Well I for one would love to hear about this," Hemsworth chuckled.

"Not much to tell really. I was obsessed with the show growing up and Sebastian here just so happened to play my favorite character," she giggled.

"Well thanks. That means a lot," Sebastian said shyly. He could hear Evans and Anthony mumbling under their breath. When he looked towards them, they winked at him and blush rose to his face.

Willow saw his embarrassment and quickly changed the subject. "So enough about me. What's going on with all of you?" Sebastian gave her a thankful look and she simply nodded at him. The night continued with small talk. It was great, she was really looking forward to working with this group of wonderful people.

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