Chapter 87

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Willow and Sebastian were on their way home from dropping off Aaliyah and Athena at school. Bucky usually joined them when they dropped off the girls but he just wanted to sleep a little extra that morning, he was now fourteen years old after all.

When they walked into their home they were surprised that he hadn't come to greet them at the door like he usually did. "Hmm Bucky must still be asleep. I'm gonna go check on him," Willow said as she started walking up to their room where Bucky usually slept.

She walked into their bedroom to see Bucky laying in the middle of their bed. "Hi baby," she said walking closer to him. "Buck," she cooed when he didn't react. "Bucky?" he wasn't moving when she started petting him. "Bucky?" she lifted him up into her arms. "Seb," she called through the small sobs that escaped her mouth. "Sebastian!" she shouted louder. She couldn't hold back her sobs anymore.

Sebastian came running upstairs as soon as he heard her shout. "What is it? Are you okay?" he said with slight panic in his voice. She turned around to show him the small limp body she held in her arms. "Oh my god," he sighed.

"Bucky," she cried. "He's- I came to check- he's- oh my god," she couldn't get her words out due to her sobs.

Sebastian pulled her into a hug, Bucky still in her arms. He continued to hold her while they both cried over the lost life. "I'm so sorry sweetheart."

"I just can't believe he's gone. I know he was old but I guess I just didn't expect this day to ever come."

"I know," he placed a kiss on her forehead. "How are we going to tell the girls?"

"Oh god," she sighed. "I don't know. They're going to be devastated."

"Well for now I'm gonna go find a box for him. He deserves a proper burial," he said as he took Bucky from her arms.

"Okay. I'm gonna go call my dad and then I'll come help you."


Phone Call
Calling Dad 👑

"Hey Will!"

"Hi dad."

"Honey are you okay? You sound like you've been crying."

"No I'm not okay. I have some bad news. Um, Bucky died this morning."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry. What happened?"

"I don't know. We came home and I found him on my bed and he was non responsive. Could've just been old age."

"How did the girls take it?"

"We were coming home from dropping them off at school so they don't know yet. We're not sure how we're going to tell them."

"Do you want me to come over?"

"I don't want to be a bother."

"You could never. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Thanks dad."

"Anything for you. I love you."

"I love you too. See you soon."


Sebastian was able to find a beautiful box to put Bucky in. They lined it with his favorite blanket and rope toy. They also picked the perfect spot in their backyard to bury him. About half an hour later, Robert walked into the house with the key he was given. He found Willow and Sebastian in the backyard digging a hole to bury Bucky in. They both turned around when they heard him approaching.

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