Chapter 44

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October 2021

Aaliyah was now three months old and she was the perfect little baby. She only ever really cried when she was hungry, sleepy, or needed to be changed. She was also a really good sleeper, only waking up once during the night and going back to sleep quickly. She also loved meeting new people; she was a lot like her mother in this sense. Every time she met someone new and they wanted to hold her, she would just smile up at them. Only a few of Willow and Sebastian's friends had met their daughter. Tyler was at the hospital the day she was born, Scarlett met her the day they went back home from the hospital, and both Tom Hiddleston and Tom Holland did in fact fly from London just to meet the little girl. They all fell in love instantly. Everyone else would be meeting her this weekend at Robert's annual Halloween party.

Willow, Sebastian, Aaliyah, and Bucky were the first to arrive, wanting Robert and Susan to be able to spend time with their granddaughter before everyone else took her away.

"Oh my gosh! You guys look great! My granddaughter is the cutest baby in the whole world to have ever existed," Robert beamed at them. They showed up dressed as the Addams family. Sebastian as Gomez, Willow as Morticia, Aaliyah as Wednesday, and Bucky as Pugsley.

Soon more people started coming and everyone stopped to meet the new baby. "Everyone move out of the way! I need to meet my goddaughter!" Anthony shouted as soon as he walked in. He found the family quickly and as soon as he laid eyes on the little girl, his eyes filled with tears. "Wow guys, she's beautiful," he choked as he looked at her. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can," Willow said as she gently passed her daughter to him.

A smile immediately landed on his lips, "I love you Aaliyah and I love your parents. I'll always be here for you little one."

Everyone who saw what was happening was either smiling or tearing up at the interaction. It was such a beautiful moment and no one really knew that Anthony had it in him. "Aww Anthony that was beautiful," Willow said as she went to wrap him in a hug.

"Okay now I'm not so upset that you didn't pick me," Chris Evans appeared next to them. "You clearly made the right choice," he smiled. "But now I want a turn to hold my niece!" Anthony passed her over to him. "Aren't you just the cutest little thing I've ever seen." He turned to Willow and Sebastian, "I'm so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see her grow up," he smiled.

The night pretty much just centered around Aaliyah. Everyone wanted a chance to get to hold her and she was loving every second of it. Much to Sebastian and Anthony's dismay, it was very apparent her favorite person was Tom Holland. She would get so excited every time she would hear his voice and would giggle and smile every time he held her. "Aaliyah how could you do this to your father?" Sebastian joked.

"Guess you'll have to keep me around," Tom smiled.

The party continued with games, food, and drinks. Once night hit most people left, leaving only the Marvel cast, who for the most part were staying over at the Downey's house.

Aaliyah had fallen asleep in Willow's arms and she was getting ready to take her into the house to put her to bed. Her parents had a spare room for when Willow and Sebastian would stay over and now it included a crib just for their new granddaughter. "I'll be back guys, I'm gonna go put Aaliyah to bed," Willow said as she began to stand up.

Sebastian stood up before her, "No you stay and have fun sweetheart, I got her."

"Are you sure? I don't mind."

"Yes of course." He carefully grabbed Aaliyah from Willow's arms and leaned down to give Willow a quick kiss. "I'll be back in a little while," he said before heading into the house.

Everyone smiled at the look Willow had on her face as he walked away. There was no denying how much she loved him. She turned back to her friends who were all gathered around the fire pit in the backyard.

"So how is parenthood treating you guys?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's honestly amazing. Aaliyah is the sweetest, calmest baby I have ever met. She is really making our job a lot easier than we expected."

"And how is Sebastian handling it?" Tom Hiddleston asked.

"Seb is the best dad. As soon as she was born, it's like something switched in him and he immediately fell into the father role. He makes sure that I'm not left doing all the work and really just wants to spend all his time with her. And she is such a daddy's girl, as soon as she sees him, she starts smiling up at him."

Sebastian soon came back with a baby monitor in hand. He pulled Willow up from her seat and sat down before pulling her back to sit on his lap. She cuddled into him as he wrapped a blanket around them. "How is she?" Willow asked.

"Out like a light," he placed a kiss on her temple.

All everyone wanted to talk about was Aaliyah, which Sebastian and Willow gladly did. They were so incredibly happy with how much all their friends loved their daughter.

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