Chapter 43

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July 2021

Willow, Sebastian, and Aaliyah had just arrived at their home. As soon as they walked in, Bucky came running to the door. Sebastian picked him up as Willow walked with Aaliyah to the couch. "Bucky, this is your baby sister, Aaliyah," Sebastian said as he sat next to Willow. Bucky sniffed the baby's head carefully and eventually cuddled as close as he could to her.

"Oh my gosh Seb take a picture! This is so cute!" Willow was already starting to cry at the sight.

After Sebastian took a few dozen pictures of the pair, he sat down next to Willow and put his arm over her shoulder. "So we need to have serious talk." Willow looked at him in confusion. "Who's gonna be Aaliyah's godparents?" he said with his most serious face.

Willow let out a small chuckle, "Well I've actually been thinking about this a lot and I think we should each pick one. I can pick her godmother and you could pick her godfather."

"Well did you have someone in mind already?"

Willow looked down shyly. "Yeah but there's a reason why I chose this person." Sebastian nodded at her to continue. "So I'm hoping that one day we'll be married," Sebastian couldn't help but smile at the blush that rose to her cheeks. He leaned in to give her a loving kiss on her lips before letting her continue with her explanation. "And I already know who would be my maid of honor so I figured I should pick someone else so we can include as many of our friends into the most important parts of our lives. So with that being said, I want Scarlett to be Aaliyah's godmother."

"That's actually really good thinking and I love that idea," Sebastian paused to think about his decision. "In that case, I want Anthony to be Aaliyah's godfather." He leaned in again to give her another kiss. "So who do you want to be your maid of honor when we get married?" he smirked.

Willow chuckled, "Well technically I guess he wouldn't be my maid of honor but I want it to be Tyler for sure. How about you? How's gonna be your best man?"

"Well that's gonna be perfect. I can't wait to see him walk down the aisle with Chris," he laughed.

"Oh my gosh Tyler is gonna be drooling the whole way down," she joked.

"Well they've all been blowing up our phones, asking for pictures. You think we should finally show them and tell them who we chose?"

"Yeah, I think they've waited long enough."


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Sebs 🖤
everyone meet your new niece Aaliyah Stan


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