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The magic world was in turmoil. You-know-who had finally disappeared, defeated by a child: the famous Harry Potter. In the last few weeks, however sad the circumstances of the Dark Lord's defeat were, everyone celebrated and raised toasts to Harry Potter, the only one who, after more than a decade of terror, managed to defeat the Dark Lord. 

During a late, dark night, in the dimly lit Street of Privet Drive, a Sorian cat sat on a small wall and, despite his common appearance, had something bizarre about it, almost as if it were waiting for someone.
Suddenly, in the fog which had gently lifted during that night, appeared a man at the corner of the road, a tall and old man with a beard and very long silvery hair, who aroused a certain interest in the Sorian, who stood there staring at him, still sitting on the same wall, in the same rigid position.

The man realized he was being watched, but first, he pulled out from his bizarre cloak a strange device, almost like a silver lighter. The man opened the hood and calmly all the lights of the streetlamps were caught inside that strange device.

"I should have known I'd find you here, Professor McGonagall", the man suddenly said, turning to the feline. The cat, leaping down from the wall, turned into a person. A brown-haired woman in a bun wearing half-moon glasses, the same as those of the man who had just spoken to her.

"Good evening to you, Professor Silent", replied to the woman.

"Are the rumours true, Albus?" continued Professor McGonagall as she walked with Professor Dumbledore down the street on foot.

"I'm afraid so, Minerva, both good and bad", replied the professor.

"What about the baby?" said McGonagall as they stopped in front of a house on the street they were on.

"Hagrid will bring him here; I've come to take Harry to his uncles".

"Do you think it wise. . . to entrust this task to Hagrid?" the professor tried to disagree, but the professor immediately replied confidently,
"I would entrust Hagrid with my own life."
In that moment the silence between the two was broken by a roar of a motorcycle, but the motorcycle did not come from the road, but in flight, landed with a crash not far from the two figures wrapped in their bizarre coloured cloaks.

Just parked, a colossal man got off the motorcycle, at least twice as tall as a man and at least five times bigger. He had shaggy brown hair like the long beard that covered his face, and with her, wrapped around her chest with a blanket, lay a sleepy little Potter.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall good evening", said the man as he got off the blue motorcycle.

"No problem, I hope, Hagrid", exclaimed Professor Silent.

"No sir, the kid fell asleep while we were flying over Bristol", replied the giant handing the bundle to the two professors.

The child, deeply asleep, under the tuft of raven hair that covered his forehead bore a scar in the shape of a lightning, quite bizarre for a scar.

Professor Dumbledore resumed walking into the driveway at number 4 of Privet Drive, home of Harry's uncles and professor McGonagall, trying to keep up with the man, said,
"Albus, you're sure is safe to leave the baby with these people, you know, I've been checking them all week and they're the worst kind of muggles out there and" . . . she didn't finish the sentence was interrupted by the professor, who said

"They're the only relatives he has"

"This child is already famous and his popularity will grow again, there will not be anyone in our world who will not know his name" . . . but was interrupted again by Dumbledore who wanted to reassure her that it would be better for the child to grow up away from all this for the time being until he was ready.
Meanwhile, Hagrid didn't want to leave the baby, he was fond of him and started crying. Albus, noticing this, turned around immediatly.

"Come on, Hagrid, this isn't goodbye, we'll see him again"
Having said that, the professor placed the bundle with a letter on the doorstep of the house and, after wishing him good luck, he and the other two bizarre characters left as they had come.

Despite his fame, Harry had something in common with someone, he was not the only child that night who was entrusted to the care of a new family, a new home, a new life, both unaware of what had happened before that moment.




So this is the preview of the book, I know it's not much but we'll get to know the protagonist much better in the next chapters, I hope you like it as a beginning, love you guys <3
I'll publish the next chapter soon so  wait patiently! 

- Jules 💗

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