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It had been over a month since the kids had arrived at Hogwarts, classes were continuing, and Lyla was becoming more and more comfortable at Hogwarts. She became friends with Hermione, who didn't have many friends because of her "I know everything" side. She had got along with Neville LongBottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan, Harry and Ron's roommates. Every once in a while, she joined them into their room and have fun together, talk about Harry's training, how creepy Filtch was and who hated Snape the most.

On Halloween morning, the kids went to the Spell class with Professor Flitwitch, they would learn the spell 'Wingardium Leviosa', the spell that makes things levitate.

"Good morning, everyone! Do you all have your feathers? Well, let's start right away", began the professor, climbing up the pile of books to reach the students.
"Remember well the right wrist movement you must use to cast the spell, swish and flick, repeat", Flitwitch told them.

"Swish and flick" all the students repeated in chorus as they imitated the professor's wand movement. The students began to practice, Ron tried to pronounce the formula several times, waving his wand frantically, the way he pronounced "Wingardium Leviosa" made Lyla burst into a silent laugh, getting a stern look from her best friend, but stubborn as he was, he tried again, until he was stopped by Hermione.

"Stop, stop, stop. You'll take someone's eye out. What's more, you pronounce it wrong, it's Leviosà, not Leviosa'", Hermione corrected him with the usual tone that made him go on all the fury.

"Do it then since you know everything about it, go ahead" intimated Ron annoyed

Hermione didn't hesitate a second, and after pronouncing the formula and repeating the gesture of the wand, the feather flew up, leaving everyone in the room with their mouths open, Professor Flitwitch was impressed by Hermione's skilfulness.
"Congratulations Hermione!" Lyla congratulated her, after which she went back to practice. It took her a while, the feather continued to tumble on the bench in a weak flight, but with a slight help from Hermione and a bit of willpower Lyla's feather flew up just like her friend's a few moments earlier.

"Congratulations, Miss Lupin!" the professor congratulated her. Lyla was on seventh heaven, it was one of the first spells she did, and she couldn't wait to learn more.

They were interrupted by an explosion in the classroom, it was Seamus, who they don't know how he blew up his feather instead of flying it.
"I think we need another feather here, professor", Harry suggested.

The kids were walking to the next class, Hermione and Lyla were talking about what McGonagall might make them experience that day, Lyla was particularly interested in transfiguration, she was doing it easy; they were in a good mood until they heard Ron talking to Harry and their other roommates.

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