- CHAPTER 18 -

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I walked back into the hallway of the bathrooms still staring at my hands and body, incredulous of what I had just witnessed. In front of me I found Tiger and Goyle-actually, Harry and Ron. They were truly unmistakable; it was almost surreal.

"Oh, for Godric's beard this is fantastic, whoever invented this potion must really be a genius..." I exclaimed drawing the attention of the others, I didn't have the same voice as Pansy but that was really the last thing that mattered at the moment.

"Lyla?" asked Ron incredulously upon seeing me. I smiled at him, the only one missing was.

"But where is Hermione?" they asked , Harry shrugged. I hurried to the bathroom where I had seen Hermione disappear a few minutes earlier, no strange noise came from the bathroom, I knocked lightly on the door "Hermione?"

"Go without me" from the tone of her voice she didn't sound well, had something happened?

"Hermione are you okay?" asked Harry by my side, as worried as I was, Hermione had proposed this plan, there had to be something wrong if she didn't want to come with us.

"Just go... you're wasting your time," she repeated.

"He's right... we don't know how long the effect will last..." I said to the two boys who merely nodded, I knocked against the bathroom door one more time "Hermione... I'll be back as soon as I can I promise, just stay here, okay?"

She didn't utter a word but I knew she heard me, I proceeded at a fast pace out of the bathroom followed by the two boys, still bewildered in their new bodies, as was I.

"Let's go ... the Slytherin common room is that way," I told them as I started making my way down the hallway, we stopped abruptly when an all-too-familiar voice called us.

"Excuse me?" Percy looked furious, his face was red, and he caught up with us in large stride... he must have seen Harry and Ron coming out of the girls' bathroom.

"What are you-what are you doing here?" asked Ron in a squeaky voice before Harry and I shot him a look to moderate our voices and sound more like Tiger.

"I happen to be a school prefect..." all three of us looked at each other uncomfortably, I didn't have a clue how to deal with Percy "As you can guess I have business to do... but these days second year like you shouldn't be wandering around at this hour... should they?" I was breaking out in a cold sweat, we were wasting time, the potion would run out of steam even before we could reach the common room... "What is your name?"

We had to answer him... or we would have aroused too much suspicion, but the first thing that popped into my head was not Pansy's name, but mine... I stammered unintelligible letters, Percy frowned but the person we were really looking for came to our rescue.

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