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The big day finally arrived; Lyla will go to Hogwarts. That morning Lyla woke up at five o'clock, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep anymore, so she decided to start preparing the first things for the start without making too much noise.
When the alarm finally rang, Lyla ran straight into the kitchen to make breakfast, but she wasn't alone. Remus was already there checking the magic teapot making the tea.

"Good morning, Dad!" exclaimed Lyla euphorically before taking her seat at the table. Lupin almost dropped the cup because of her daughter's sudden arrival in the living room, causing a small laugh from Lyla to which he added shortly afterwards.

"I see someone is early this morning. Honey, you sure you're all right? I don't even recognise you, what have you done to my little sleepyhead" her father laughed at her.

"More than fine, I'm a little nervous but I'm very excited for today, I can't wait to leave"

"You'll see it'll be fine, you'll have a lot of fun", concluded Remus before sitting down at the table for breakfast.
After a short while they were already on their way, and in no time they reached King's Cross Station. Remus recovered a cart on which he placed Lyla's heavy trunk.
Cricket's cage started to attract a lot of unwanted glances but, honestly, the girl didn't care much, she had more interesting things to think about than pay attention to the looks of those boring muggles.

The Weasley family were waiting for them right at the entrance to the station and, after having gathered together and greeted, they all headed to the platform together.
Mrs. Weasley made her way through the crowd followed by the whole family as she commented on the influx of muggles:

"...full of muggles, we should have imagined it"

When they reached the wall separating platform nine and ten, they all lined up to pass through the passageway. Percy was the first, then it was the twins' turn to pull off one of their usual pranks.

"Fred now it's your turn", said Mrs. Weasley.
"But I'm not Fred, I'm George", said one of the twins.
"My word's woman! And you say you're our mother? Can't you see I'm George?"
"Excuse me George dear"

"I did it to you! I'm Fred", said the twin before starting to run towards the wall of platform ten, followed immediately afterwards by George.

As much as Lyla was always laughing at the twins' jokes, she was so agitated that she didn't laugh about this joke, she just stared at the wall where the twins had just disappeared.
Remus probably noticed it because he immediately squatted down in front of her and took her hand.

"Hey, I know that face. I understand the commotion, I've been through it, but everything's gonna be okay, there's nothing to worry about, and you won't be alone. With you there will be Ron, Fred, George and all the new friends you will make at school, you are not alone" her father tried to reassure her.

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