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That same afternoon they all got ready to go shopping, with her cloak on and her bag over her shoulder Lyla quickly descended the stairs to meet everyone in the living room, everyone in front of the fireplace ready to use the Floo powder.

"Okay everyone, ready? Harry have you ever used the Floo powder?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she pulled a jar full of shiny, seemingly harmless, common ash powder next to the fireplace.

"No... how does it work?" Harry asked shyly as he clutched himself in his cloak

"Oh don't worry dear, Ron come here, you'll go first so you can show Harry how it's done" Ron didn't hesitate for a moment, he took a handful of powder from the jar and settled himself inside the fireplace, raised his hand with the powder and as soon as he had uttered 'Diagon Alley' he dropped it to the ground and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and green fire up the chimney.

"Molly, I've never used it either," Lyla said with an edge to her voice, still shocked by the disappearance of her best friend.

"Oh, don't worry dear, it's all right, let's just let Harry go first."

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

Harry approached the fireplace with unsteady steps, he grabbed a handful of powder and stood in the same place where Ron had disappeared seconds before.

"And remember, spell the words well" Mrs. Weasley told him fast. Probably, perhaps out of fear and agitation Harry mispronounced the words by saying 'Dyagonally' and then disappeared into the same green fire.

"Did he say Dyagonally?"


"As I thought. Not good, not good at all, Lyla you go together with Fred, so I'm sure if you get lost at least you won't be alone" She was doing it on purpose, wasn't she?

Lyla took the hand that Fred offered her, they both took a handful of Floo powder and stepped inside the fireplace.

"It will be all right," Fred whispered to her.

"Yes, I know," she whispered back to him.

"On the count of three, okay?"

"Okay." She said with a shaky breath.

"Diagon Alley!"
 and dropping the powder, hand in hand they disappeared into that tornado of green flames, which as hot as Lyla expected, was cold, maybe she squeezed Fred's hand in those few seconds, but it didn't seem to bother him.

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