- CHAPTER 27 -

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"Ginny!" we helped Ginny out past the hole of rocks that Ron had managed to open, Ginny still in tears immediately hugged her brother. Neither Harry nor I mentioned for a second that it was Ginny who had opened the Chamber; she was feeling sick enough on her own.

I hugged my best friend soon after, Harry joined our hug... both blood stained and muddy we were dirtying Ron even more who was covered in dust from head to toe. We all needed a good long shower.

Lockhart had lost his memory, a favor to all of us I thought when Ron had told us but I preferred to keep quiet about it. Fawkes managed to get us safely back into the girls' bathroom, he was a pretty amazing bird I had to admit.

When we knocked on the door of Professor Dumbledore's office Professor McGonagall came to open it for us, eyes wide at our condition... she was bewildered but you could see the hint of relief to see that we were all right and that Ginny was now back safe. She told us to wait for her there while she went to take care of something - she was probably going to call Madame Pomfrey.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley abruptly walked in, Ginny immediately ran up to her and hugged her tightly along with Mr. Weasley who came in soon after. It was good to see them reunited. "You guys saved her! Thank you guys... thank you so much" Molly pulled us together in one hug and I couldn't ask for anything better at the moment, it had been the hardest hours I faced this year and I really needed a hug from her.

Dumbledore came in a little later and started to interrogate everyone, he secretly congratulated us on saving little Ginny against the rules. He awarded us each 200 points - I almost fainted - it was really a lot of points, Percy would have had a heart attack if he knew.

Ron and I accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Weasley Ginny and Professor Lockhart to the infirmary, Madame Pomfrey greeted little Ginny who was still crying in a warm embrace and immediately sat her down to visit, when I passed the front door I didn't look at my companions, I didn't look at Fred and George's worried expression or Percy's ready to put us under interrogation...but I met Hermione's gaze, her joyfull and preety awake gaze.

We didn't even wait a second and ran to hug each other immediately. My best friend was back, I felt tears build up in my eyes but I immediately wiped them away, already justifying her worried look

"These are tears of happiness... I'm just so happy to see you again!" I exclaimed, hugging her again. Ron came up behind me, the two of them after two failed attempts at hugging each other shook hands... I frowned, there was a certain tension between them that I never noticed... and it was not the usual one of defiance.

Hermione took my hand and immediately led me to sit on her bed.

"I want to know everything... tell me!" she exclaimed joyfully. That's what I really missed these in the past few months... my best friends and our simple chats about what extraordinary and strange things were happening to us these days at Hogwarts.

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