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The year was continuing apace as far as classes were concerned. Harry and Ron had finally served their detention the night before, Ron cleaning the trophy room from top to bottom with Filch, and Harry had spent the entire evening answering letters from Professor Lockhart's admirers.

Hermione and I tried in vain to wait them awake, classes were tough and with the increase in my Quidditch practice neither of us had resisted and we had resigned ourselves to bed. How I hoped I had stayed awake only to learn earlier that our second year here at Hogwarts was about to take an unexpected turn.

Harry had told us about the voice he had heard the night before, an icy voice, devoid of emotion except desire ... to kill. This was beginning to worry me, even in the wizarding world hearing voices was not a good sign, especially if they threatened to kill and had a desire for blood.

However, I had practiced that afternoon and could not let myself be distracted. Even in bad weather Oliver made us train for hours in the incessant rain. Despite the ponytail I had tried to make my hair stick to my head and kept ending up in front of my sight, if we didn't stop someone was going to get hurt and I had a feeling it was going to be me....

With that torrential rain I was even having a hard time keeping myself high in the air with the broom, I couldn't even make it to the rings to score.

"Enough! This is no good guys; we'll try again when the weather improves!" shouted Wood before forcing us to retreat inside school.

We were exhausted, soaked and muddy, there couldn't be a better combination. I was shivering from the cold and a sudden itch on my nose made me sneeze, which I amazed even myself with. Already so many people at this time were sick around all the school, and I didn't want to be add to the list, but apparently plans were otherwise.

On the way to the common room, I had sneezed at least twenty times.

"Lyla...Lyla stop!" said George exasperated to see me in that condition.

"I'm fine...I j-just...achoo...I just need a shower, then I'll be better."

"No, you need to go to the infirmary," Fred said, putting himself in front of me to prevent me from continuing "If it's necessary I'll carry you there too but you need to be seen, at least this time."

The eye had healed, it no longer hurt and the bruise was slowly disappearing but that time I had refused to go to the infirmary, this time I would not have much choice.

"I'll tell you what, George go get you some clean and dry clothes but you and I go to the infirmary, it won't take long I swear," he said again hopefully, before I could make a reply I saw him turn to one side and sneeze in turn, Oliver would make the whole team sick like this

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