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When Lyla and Ron got their letter, they were so excited. It was a hot June afternoon and the two were playing with fireworks in the garden with Ron's brothers, the twins Fred and George and Ginny, Ron's little sister.

They were interrupted by a sharp whistle from the Weasley family owl, Errol, who was carrying two letters.
After dropping them to the ground, he tried to enter the Burrow through the window, but he crashed violently against it, causing a loud laugh from all present because of his clumsiness.

Ron and Lyla ran right away and quickly grabbed the letters lying on the ground and started to open them right away.

Lyla hesitated for a second and touched it for a moment. The letter was yellowish parchment, it was heavy and the addressee was written in emerald green ink. On the front of the envelope was an unmistakable dark red wax seal: the seal of Hogwarts.
As soon as she opened it, Lyla started to read the contents in one breath without lifting her eyes from the letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Great Wizard, Chief Warlock, Supreme Big Guy, International Confederation of Wizards)

Dear Miss LupinWe are pleased to inform you that you have the right to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here you will find a list of all the textbooks and necessary equipment.The school year will begin on 1 September. We are waiting for your owl by July 31st at the latest.

Minerva McGonagall


First-year students must have:
- Three work uniforms in solid colour (black)
- A toe cap in solid colour (black) for day
- A pair of protective gloves (dragon leather or similar)
- A winter cloak (black with silver embroidery)
N. B. All the clothes must be marked with a name tag and the seal of the school.


All students should have a copy of the following texts:
- Handbook of Spells, Volume One, by Miranda Goshawk
- History of the Magic of Bathilda Bagshot
- Magic Theory, by Adalbert Waffling
- Practical Guide to Transfiguration for Beginners, by Emeric Switch
- A thousand magic herbs and mushrooms, by Phyllida Spore
- Magic infusions and potions, by Arsenius Jigger
- Fantastic Animals: where to find them, by Newt Scamander
- The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defence, by Quentin Trimble

Other Accessories

- 1 wand
- 1 cauldron (in pewter, standard size 2)
- 1 set of glass or crystal phial
- A telescope
- Brass balance

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