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The next day the girls got up early to prepare for morning classes, Lyla had waited for more than 20 minutes for Harry and Ron to show up in the common room and go down for breakfast with them, but in vain. Hermione had decided to wait with her, but after the endless wait she convinced her to come down without them for breakfast.

"I don't understand, they should be here by now", Lyla continued to complain as she ate a slice of bread and jam in the Great Hall.

Hermione merely nodded at what Lyla was saying, she was too focused on reading the book of Transfiguration in preparation for the first lesson of the morning.

As if the tension from the first day and the sudden disappearance of Ron and Harry were not enough, Lyla and Hermione couldn't find the Transfiguration classroom. At Hogwarts there were a hundred and forty-two staircases, and it seemed as if they had gone all the way, they had almost lost hope, when they finally met Professor McGonagall on their way, who offered to accompany them to the classroom, just in time for the beginning of the class.

The first lesson of Transfiguration was not particularly exciting, the teacher submerged them with very difficult notes and finally gave them the task of trying to turn a match into a pin. As she gave the final instructions on the assignment, Harry and Ron rushed in through the front door of the classroom, who were late and breathless because of the rush to get there as quickly as possible.

Lyla couldn't stop laughing at the view of the Professor scolding them and threatening to turn them into pocket watches to keep them on time.

"Great first impression Ronald", said Lyla, making fun of Ron, after re-joining with them at the end of class.

"You shut up, you've always been the one who's always late, you could have tried to come and look for us", said the redhead, all red in his face for embarrassment.

"I did, I waited for you in the common room for over 20 minutes and I couldn't stop watching if you walked into the Great Hall, maybe I should consider McGonagall's proposal to turn you into pocket watches", Lyla replied.

"What lesson do we have now?" asked Harry.

"Double hour of Potions with Slytherin and with. . . Professor Snape", Lyla replied, looking up the schedule.

"Snape is the director of Slytherin, he has a preference for every student of his house, it will be a nightmare I can feel it", complained Ron as they took the stairs to reach the basement and, in fact, he was right.
Professor Snape spent the entire class finding the slightest mistake in what the Gryffindor were doing, any excuse to discredit Harry and take points from the house.

Malfoy kept grinning from his place, it was irritating, Lyla wanted with all her heart to pour the potion she was preparing on his smug face, but she didn't want to lose any more points of her house and make things worse, so she kept quiet, listening to the teacher's instructions on how to make the potions right.

It was the longest two hours Lyla had spent in her entire life, Lyla thought. She felt so relieved when she came out of the basement to breathe clean air and no longer the foul smell that fluttered between the damp walls of that narrow part of the castle.

They all found themselves together in the Great Hall for lunchtime, Lyla was getting ready for the afternoon classes while enjoying the delicious lunch, when she was interrupted by a sound of fluttering: the mail was coming.
Cricket brought Lyla a letter from her father in response to her daughter's message the previous day, he was proud of her, and wished her to make many good friends, she was already missed at home but Remus would manage.

With the envelope was a packet of sweets that Lyla and her father had always shared since she was a child: a packet of frizzle bee's, sparkling honey candy shaped like bees that, thanks to a similar spell of chocolates frow, flew.

"Oh, the frizzle bee's! Can I have one Lyla pleasee?" Ron begged her as he opened his mail.

Harry meanwhile had a puzzled face as he read the newspaper he was holding.
"Guys get this, they tried to steal something from Gringott in room 713, but that room was emptied the same day. . . Guys, Hagrid and I went to Gringott that day, and Hagrid emptied that room, picked up a weird package and told me not to tell anyone about what happened."

"Intense", said Lyla.

"Intense? That's creepy, no one's ever tried to steal something from the Gringott. . . or at least they didn't get out alive trying", Ron said in a frightened state as he picked up the paper to read the article.

"Look, Neville has received a Remembrall", said Dean Thomas, attracting the attention of the entire Gryffindor table.

Neville held in his hands a small transparent ball, similar to a Christmas ball. Hermione began to rumble about what she had read about it, apparently the smoke inside the souvenir would turn red if the owner had forgotten something.
"The point is, I don't remember what I forgot", Neville said embarrassedly as he put the souvenir in his school uniform pocket.

That afternoon the three had left the castle to visit Hagrid. Hagrid lived in a stone hut on the edge of the woods. Harry knocked on the door and shortly after the gamekeeper showed up at the door with his grey Dane, Fang.

The three were made to sit on the couch inside the house, Zanna started to lick Ron's face while the half-disgusted redhead tried to get him out of the way.

Hagrid offered them a hot tea he had just made, and the boys told him how was the first day, the Transfiguration lesson, Snape's hatred to any student who came under his fire, until Harry mumbled something about the Gringott robbery, Hagrid earing that almost chocked with his tea. . The gamekeeper looked around nervously and, trying to stutter something, changed the subject and offered cookies to the three friends.

Lyla found this behaviour very strange, he obviously knew something, but she didn't want to spoil the moment; so she finished her tea silently, and they continued to talk about lessons and the new life to Hogwarts.




here it is the new chapter, the lessons finally began, it's a little chapter but I wanted to leave the big chapter for the next update, so excited to continue, love you all <3 leave comment and stars if you like the story, to the next update

- Jules💗

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