- CHAPTER 16 -

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We followed him running all the way to the common room, Ron's words brought him to an abrupt halt just after the fat lady's picture had closed again.

"Are you a Parselmouth? Why didn't you ever tell us about that?" Harry turned abruptly to look at us, confused by the word Ron had just used.

"What am I?" he asked.

"A Parselmouth... you can talk to snakes!" exclaimed Hermione to make the concept clearer to him, Harry seemed to finally understand what we were talking about

"I do. In the sense... I once set a boa constrictor on my cousin Dudley at the zoo. One time... but so what? I bet a lot of people here can do that..." Hermione, Ron and I exchanged worried glances, ah so this wasn't the first time it happened...

"I'm sorry Harry, I've never heard anyone say they could talk to snakes, no one," I answered him

"It's not a common gift, Harry. This is bad..." Hermione told him, growing more and more concerned.

"What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin..." now we had finally understood what he meant by those unintelligible hissing words

"Ah that's what you said to him," exclaimed Ron.

"You were there... You heard me..." said Harry not understanding where we were going with that conversation, Harry had spoken in another language, did he not realize that?

"I heard you speaking Parseltongue, snakes language" Harry was now no longer understanding, he was as surprised as we were....

"I spoke a different language? But I didn't realise... how can I speak a language I don't know if I don't even know I can speak it?" he thought aloud, shook his head in denial, I didn't have the answer he was looking for...in fact, I didn't really know what was going on

"I don't know Harry, but it sounded like you were inciting the snake to attack. Harry listen to me there is a reason why the symbol of Slytherin is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth, he too could talk to snakes too."

"You're not insinuating such things, are you?!" I asked in amazement that Hermione could bring up such a thing, she shrugged her shoulders, in the end even she didn't know what was going on, she knew as much as I did

"Exactly. Now the whole school will think you're her great-great-great-grandson or something."

"But I'm not. I can't be," Harry said incredulously.

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