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After the adventure with the Cornish Pixies, Quidditch training also came the following week, we had started training earlier than the others and I hoped this would lead to some kind of advantage. Wood had been working tirelessly on the new training program, I had received several letters from him during the summer asking for advice on some tactics he had devised, I had gladly responded to him, at other times I would sit on the dining table with Dad and discuss about those techniques, Oliver had been delighted.

I was following our team through the porches when the group stopped abruptly, I was adjusting the last things on my training uniform that I didn't have my eyes up; in fact, I went crashing into Fred Weasley's back, he turned around looking at who had come at him and when he saw me he gave me a little smile making me blush, I tried not to point it out by making my way through the rest of my team to see what had made us stop. And by Harry's side I realized: Slytherin.

"What...I can't believe it," Oliver sighed as he rushed toward the opposing team, us immediately in tow "Where do you think you're going Flint?"

Flint, leader of the Slytherin team, chaser and the biggest jerk the school has had before Malfoy arrival, he tried to hit me with a bludger last year and Fred had protected me from it. "To training" he replied with his usual arrogant attitude. Wood was losing patience, for him this year's season was important, the tension between the two teams was beginning to raise.

"I booked the field for Gryffindor."

"Calm down Wood I have a permission" Oliver snatched the paper from his hands which he handed him reading aloud to let everyone hear the motivation for this exceptional permit, apparently Slytherin had to train their new seeker. When I saw a blond head make its way through the green uniforms, I knew who it was

"Malfoy?" asked Harry as uncertain as I was whether to believe his eyes; I glared at the blonde. The first year he had particularly bragged about his Quidditch skills and now he had a chance to make it into the team.

"That's right and there's something else new this year," meanwhile Ron and Hermione had moved closer seeing the situation that was beginning to unfold. My eyes shifted to the brand-new brooms that each Slytherin player was carrying...Nimbus 2001

"Those are Nimbus 2001, where did you get them?" I asked them, there was no way they could have coincidentally gotten the brooms that were fetching the most on the market at the time right before the season started.

"A gift from Draco's father," Flint replied proudly, looking down at me. So, Draco had asked daddy to buy him a Quidditch team.

"At least none of the Gryffindors bought their way onto the team, they were chosen for their talent," Hermione said fearlessly as she faced the entire team in front of her. Draco gave her a nasty look before approaching her and hissing.

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