- CHAPTER 13 -

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I woke up in the infirmary, I was confronted with the faces of the twins, Ron, Hermione, and Cedric. Fred didn't look very happy to have the Hufflepuff boy near him.

"Hey guys," I said with a hoarse voice and my eyes still half-closed, all of them rushing over to see how I was doing.

"Oh by Merlin's beard Lyla you had me worried sick!" exclaimed Hermione before throwing her arms around my neck, I hugged her back, trying not to hold her too tightly.

"How are you feeling?" asked Cedric as he sat down in the chair next to the bed, I smiled.

"Still alive apparently," I saw Fred roll his eyes but didn't give it much thought, I knew he didn't like Cedric very much but there wasn't much he could do about it, I was going to have a date with him...I widened my eyes and dropped my head on the pillow.

"Oh for Merlin's beard, the date!"

"No dates Miss Lupin, first you have to rest and let the herbs take their course," announced Madame Pomfrey with a nice big jar in her hands containing some green slime, a sudden nausea rose in me just seeing it.

"Given the abrasion it should burn more than usual, you must remain as still as possible," I nodded, Cedric offered me his hand and I took it. When Madame Pomfrey slathered on the first coat of whatever was in the jar she had brought with her I wined, trying to stay still, I squeezed Cedric's hand so hard. Fudge... it did hurt.

When she was finally done I was helped up and wrapped my waist with a bandage so the clay could do its work. Cedric let go of my hand and there I felt something I never said I recognized, it didn't give me the same warmth I had with Fred, that tingling feeling I liked so much about him.

"You should rest, avoid exertion, the clay will dry up the blood that has accumulated around the bruise," muttered Madame Pomfrey before moving on to the next bed: Harry.

I had seen the bludger hit him and only now did I understand what had happened, he had broken his arm but when the nurse finally opened the curtain, I saw Harry's arm... it didn't look like an arm, it was so... I couldn't even find the right words to describe it...

"Lockhart tried to fix his arm, as you can see our Harry is boneless of an arm now!" exclaimed Ron coming close to me "How are you going to defend him now Hermione?"

Hermione huffed "Everyone makes mistakes."

I laughed under my moustache "You have to admit, though, that he turned his arm into a chewed hot gum" I thought aloud. The four of us looked at each other before bursting out laughing, I was glad to have them as friends.

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