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Eventually, lunch ended and I had to go to practice. I had told Harry that I would see him on the field, first I had to meet George who was already waiting for me leaning against the pillar.

"Ready?" he asked, handing me my brand-new broom.

"Like I've never been" I said with conviction stealing it from his hands and starting to walk with him.

"So classes have started well?"

"Yeah, I mean, Fred and I haveve already driven crazy half the professors but what can you do? it's routine" he told me, I chuckled.

"Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without you two and your pranks."

"Lyla, I need to talk to you about something..." the time had come. I was a bad liar and I knew he would find out I was lying to him, one look and he would know everything

"Did something happen with Fred?"

Hermione's voice boomed through my head. Deny. Deny. Deny

"No...Fred and I have no problem...nothing at all...nothing that can happen between him and me...why do you think something happened between us?" he paused for a moment and I turned to stare at him with a weak smile trying to be as believable as possible.

"Something definitely happened between you two..."


"Come on Lyla, we know you can't lie and it shows when something is wrong, you can't tell me that nothing happened between you after yesterday's scene in the common room, you can't lie after I saw you clearly avoiding even his gaze since we arrived."

"I'm pissed off at him all right? Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked him starting to raise my voice.

"I didn't want to upset you, I just wanted to know what happened...you stopped talking to me, he's my twin and we've been friends since you were little...I don't understand what is going on!"

"I like Fred! George, I like your brother!" I had said it out loud in front of his twin, he knew it... "We don't talk to each other anymore because he hurt me by telling me he thinks of me as his little sister, seeing him with Angelina hurts me and seeing him be nice to me and then walk away hurts me even more, I need time to stop feeling the way I feel about him now."
I was practically out of breath by the time I had finished speaking, I could feel tears stinging in my eyes but I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to cry. My plan had gone up in smoke and now George knew my secret, and if George knew, soon Fred would find out too and-oh for merlin's beard I was screwed...

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