- CHAPTER 18 -

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"Ron, please wake up, we have to go warn Dumbledore about Snape and I can't leave you here alone", Lyla kept telling him as she shook the red – head's unconscious body.

She was about to cry, but she refrained from doing so, she had to handle the situation calmly and she had to keep her nerve stable. With all the adrenaline she had left, she stood up and tried as hard as she could to get Ron up, in that moment Ron opened his eyes trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, my God, you scared the hell out of me", Lyla shouted, hugging her friend right away.

"How long have I been out of the game?" he asked her with faint voice, embracing her back.

"Maybe ten minutes... do you feel like getting up? We need to warn Professor Dumbledore, Harry needs help."

While Lyla was helping Ron, the door where Hermione had disappeared several minutes before and Harry opened, Hermione was out but there was no sign of Harry.

"Where's Harry?" Lyla asked in panic.

"He moved on, I helped him finish the room with Snape's trap and he told me to come and help you, there's not much time, we have to warn Professor Dumbledore."

The three ran through the rooms, immobilized Fuffi with Hermione's spell and ran as fast as they could towards the owl's tower. Just on the doorstep of the main entrance the three met what they were looking for but didn't expect to see there: Professor Dumbledore.

"Sir... Professor... Harry... t-the stone... he's in d-danger..."

They tried to give all the explanations they could breathless, the professor interrupted them without delay.
"I already know, come on, there's no time to waste, I would suggest to all three of you to go to the infirmary to Madame Pomfrey, explain to her what happened, I'll meet you there."
Dumbledore disappeared in no time, the sun had already risen and Hogwarts was beginning to wake up. In the corridors, the three had certainly not gone unnoticed, they finally arrived at Madame Pomfrey's office.

"What happened to the three of you?" asked Madame, disconcerted to see how the three kids looked.

Dumbledore soon arrived, holding in his arms an unconscious Harry, Madame Pomfrey had never had so much work to do, she moved from the beds like a crazy bee.

"Here dear, your nose is as good as new, you just need a little rest and some painkillers, the blood is still coming out, hold this bandage and tampon it"

That's when Fred, George rushed in, followed by most of Gryffindor's first years, and Percy breathlessly.

Fred's eyes went straight to Lyla who was already watching him.

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