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If before, thanks to Fred, I had stopped thinking about it, now I was definitely anxious... where the hell had Ron and Harry gone?
Hermione and I had even tried to reach the common room before following the rest of the students toward the Great Hall, but in vain. They were not there, I searched near the other beds but gave up immediately, their luggages were not there, as neither were Hedwig, Kus or Scabbers.

"Where the heck are they?" I asked as I left the dormitory.

"I don't know, but we'd better catch up with the others before we get into trouble ourselves," I didn't blame her, better to start the year off right and avoid trouble, last year had been enough and more.

When we returned to the Great Hall the banquet had already started, everyone was at their seats, I briefly greeted Wood and Katy who greeted me in turn. Then I saw that Fred and George were signalling for us to join them, I stood there not knowing what to do... I was about to resign myself and join them when Hermione took me and led me to the other second-year Gryffindors who were waiting for us. I could not decipher the look on Fred's face, but surely he did not expect me to ignore him like this.

We talked throughout dinner with the others, Dean had been in America that summer to his brother who had finally found a job there, they had suggested he attend a closer Magic school but he had not stopped fighting to come back here. How nice was it
Neville had taken his Grandma to the seaside to show her how much he had improved with spells and to thank her for all her efforts on his behalf.
The Patil twins had gone back to Pakistan to visit relatives for their distant cousin's wedding and had been there all summer.

I paid attention to the sorting only when I heard Professor McGonagall say the name of

"Ginny Weasley!" I saw Ginny make room for herself among the first-years in an attempt to get to the stool, the hat fit her so big, it covered almost her entire face, I saw the hat gasp and speak to her, after just a few seconds it came to a decision

"Gryffindor!" the Gryffindor table erupted in a chorus of applause, Hermione and I were smiling so big I swore, my mouth almost hurt. Ginny joined us and I hugged her, another thing not to worry about, Ginny had reunited with us, that was the important thing.

Dinner continued but our conversation was interrupted when Professor Dumbledore approached us.

"Miss Granger, Miss Lupin...if you don't mind following me, I think you are anxious for news about your missing friends..." we didn't utter a word, we just followed Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall under the curious gazes of everyone.

We left everyone behind, including Fred who worriedly had tried to follow us but was stopped first by his twin.

We followed the professors all the way to the dungeons; I had not missed that nauseating smell of mold and reluctant water at all. I was in immediate need of fresh air.

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