- CHAPTER 21 -

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The match against the Hufflepuff was essential for the scores in this year's Quidditch cup, despite the win against Slytherin we still had to maintain our lead and prevent any of the other teams from overtaking us.

Hermione had asked me to go with her to the library; she needed to check out an old book she read. Oliver asked us to meet an hour before the game for a special briefing and there was no way I could miss it, Herm's face was contrite... almost fearful, but I blamed it on what had been going on lately, after all, who wasn't afraid to walk in the halls? I assured her that as soon as the game was over I would run straight to her and we would go through the book together.

She said goodbye before letting me change for the game, I was already late... I ran through the hallways as fast as I could, arriving just in time for the briefing to begin. Fred and George smiled at me as they saw my messy bun I had tried to do on the way in, we exchanged a quiet laugh before continuing to listen to the strategy Oliver had planned to deploy that day, I was amazed to see on the board the strategy Oliver and I had sketched out in his office just a week earlier.

"If we follow this strategy, the Hufflepuffs won't stand a chance, come on guys... on the field!"

"Not to mention they'll all stay away from Harry for fear he'll petrify them."

"Yeah...that too..."

We all grabbed our brooms and one by one walked out of the locker room, ready to step onto the field and win the game. George and I exchanged a hip-shot laughing but my smile quickly faded when I saw Professor McGonagall in front of us.

"Oh, thank goodness you're all here...I'm sorry guys but today's game is canceled," she announced, and the rest of the team and I exchanged confused looks...why would they cancel a Quidditch game?

"You can't cancel Quidditch," Oliver said disappointedly, trying to persuade the professor but you could see from her worried look that this would not be possible

"I'm afraid it is possible, Mr. Wood escort immediately the whole team back to the common room, Miss Lupin, Mr. Potter the three of us will find Mr. Weasley, there is something you need to see."

At the mention of my name a chill ran down my spine, I had a strange feeling and didn't like at all how these things were beginning to take a turn. I caught the gaze of Fred and George ready to follow me to find Ron and not leave me alone but I nodded to them not to worry, I would see them again in the common room. 

We found Ron in the stands waiting for the game that was not going to happen, McGonagall sent everyone to their respective common rooms, the situation was not looking good. We kept following her, this time toward the castle.

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