- CHAPTER 20 -

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A week without sleep, hours and hours on books not to mention whole days spent in the library, and we still had not been able to find even a small clue about Tom Riddle and his presence at school except for that plaque in the trophy room.

But when Harry and Ron knocked insistently against my and Hermione's dormitory door, we knew they had found something important. And indeed it was, apparently the diary the night before had sucked Harry into a flashback to fifty years earlier... the night the Heir had claimed his first and only victim. That night Tom Riddle had accused Hagrid of being the heir... Hagrid.

Harry, however, had not been able to get a good look at the monstrous creature that had been talked about for months after Professor Binns' lecture, other than that... I was not convinced at all, I couldn't believe Hagrid was capable of such a thing...

"It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago," he said as we were leaving school to go to the courtyard

"It can't be Hagrid... Just... It can't be," said Hermione still incredulous at Harry's accusation.

"Harry, this is Hagrid we are talking about, I wouldn't see him capable of such a thing..." I admitted agreeing with Hermione, this was madness

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me," I nodded at Ron's words, after all, did we really know this Tom...? We hadn't even found a shred of evidence on him, nothing at all.

"The monster had killed somebody Ron, what would any of us have done ?" whispered Harry to keep quiet.

"Hagrid is our friend, why don't we just go and ask him about it?" proposed Hermione

"That would be a cheerful visit 'Hi Hagrid, tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?'" asked Ron turning to all three of us, it wouldn't be a pleasant conversation to have over a cup of pumpkin juice

"Mad and hairy?" asked a thundering voice behind us, Hagrid stood there in his leather coat despite the fact that it had started to get warmer, I widened my eyes as soon as I saw him "You wouldn't be talking about me, now, would you?"

"No," we all said in a strangely high-pitched voice, no one daring to look Hagrid in the eye, what an awkward situation, Harry tried to break the silence by deflecting the previous speech

"What is that you got Hagrid?" he asked pointing to the big green pot Hagrid was carrying around.

"Oh it's Flesh-Eating Slug repellent, you know, for mandrakes. According to Professor Sprout they need to grow up some more and come out of puberty, they will have to heal from acne then they can be shredded and stewed to awaken the petrified. In the meantime, you three had better keep an eye on each other, all right?" we nodded -- come on, Hagrid was worried about us, how could I remotely think he was the heir to Slytherin.

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