- CHAPTER 12 -

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After the game, Harry and Lyla re-joined Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. In the stands had happened more than you could imagine, Ron and Neville apparently had beat up with Draco, Tiger and Goyle, while Hermione had saved Harry's life, she was convinced that Snape was doing the hex to the broom.

"Why on earth would Professor Snape give the hex to Harry's broom?" Hagrid immediately intervened.

"I don't know. . . why was he trying to get past the three-headed dog on Halloween?"

"Who told you about Fuffi?" said Hagrid visibly nervous that the four kids knew about the dog on the third floor.

"That thing has a name?" said Ron, still traumatized by the encounter with the giant mastiff.

"I bought it and then I lent it to Dumbledore to protect... oh no, I shouldn't have said that... I shouldn't have said that", Hagrid mumbled trying to speed up the pace, and the four boys did not hesitate to speed up their turn to keep up.

"Hagrid, what Fuffi is guarding, Snape is trying to steal it!" said Harry, trying to get Hagrid to talk.

"And I know a hex when I see it, you have to keep eye contact without blinking and that's what he was doing", Hermione tried to help him.

"Now stop and listen to me, all four of you: it's none of your business, what the dog is watching is a matter between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel", said Hagrid, realizing only at the end of what he had done

"I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that", Hagrid muttered before leaving, leaving the four to watch him as he made his way to his house.

"Nicholas Flamel. Who is Nicholas Flamel?" asked Lyla puzzled, receiving only shrugs from her friends.

Christmas was coming, the landscape around Hogwarts had become a frosty blanket of soft white snow, the lake had frozen, Hagrid had personally taken care of bringing the Christmas tree for the holidays, and the students were starting to pack their bags to get home for the holidays. Lyla had written to her father to ask if she could stay for the holidays, Harry would be left alone and she felt sick just thinking about it, they had become good friends and didn't want him to be all alone at Christmas, and besides with Professor Snape around who apparently was suspected by the four boys, she didn't feel good to leave him.

Her father sent her a letter the next morning telling her how proud he was of her, it would have been their first Christmas apart, he missed her so much but for her daughter's desire to give up Christmas at home so she won't leave her friend alone, he would have accepted it, but instead she would have to send a letter of explanation to Ninphadora. She would have been shocked not to see little Lupin at home that Christmas.

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