- CHAPTER 25 -

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Ginny Weasley... Ginny Weasley... Ginny Weasley...

Who was kidnapped by the monster? Ginny Weasley...

I couldn't understand how this could have happened... again. First Hermione... and now Ginny, I felt like a terrible friend, how had I let this happen to her? During her first year here... I promised to take care of her and now... now a giant snake had just kidnapped her because I was too busy doing something else...

And was Lockhart the one that was going to save her? She was not going to come back in one piece, I was never going to forgive myself if I had to tell Molly that Ginny was ...

No, I didn't have to think that, it wasn't too late yet, we still had time to save her, even if I had to put my trust in someone like Lockhart...I couldn't leave Ginny alone now that she was in danger.

I took a deep breath and smoothed out my skirt to try to calm myself a bit, this was no time to lose control, Ginny needed me and I wasn't going to let my emotions get in the way.

Ron was no better off than I was, he was pacing back and forth down the hallway trying to calm himself down but every time he tried to take a deep breath an obvious anger rose in his body. She was his sister after all, and I didn't blame him if he was in the middle of a nerve crisis. I walked over to him and hugged him... he tried to push me away at first but I squeezed him a little tighter and he finally gave in and hugged me back, a little sob escaped from him, he quickly pulled away making sure no one was seeing him cry as he tried to dry his eyes.

"Follow me," Harry simply said without turning to look at us before we started running down the hallway, I took Ron's hand asking him if he felt like coming, he just nodded. We started running after the raven boy without asking where he was heading, we knew where to go.

"Lockhart may be useless..." began Harry as he turned the last corner before our destination, I interrupted him...

"And a great big incompetent..."

"True...but he will still try to enter the Chamber of Secrets. At least we can tell him what we know."

We pushed open the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Lockhart was surely in his office probably fixing his hair for the last time and changing his cloak before his debut. But when we opened the door to his office we found him doing anything but what we expected: he was closing his trunks, sorting out things... was he leaving?

"Professor we have some information for you..." Harry immediately stopped talking when he saw what the professor was doing, Lockhart froze in place as soon as he saw us "Are you going somewhere?"

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