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Lyla grew up without the secret that had been kept from her since that day coming to light. She grew up in a small house on the outskirts of London with her father, Remus Lupin.
As her father's friends said, she inherited everything from him: physically, his chocolate-coloured eyes and hair, and in character, his contagious laughter, the desire for company, even his protective side and outbursts of anger, as they told her.

Maybe that's why they had a great father-daughter relationship, because of their similarity.

She was happy with her life and, at the time, all she wanted was for it not to change. She liked to spend time with her father, but she felt like she was missing something, she was a little companion, but she didn't have many friends, actually, she didn't have any.
Lyla, belonging to the magical world, struggled to relate to other children without bringing into conversation the extraordinary things that were happening in the world she knew. According to her, the life of the muggles was so boring without all the spells and magic that were the order of the day for her.

The first time her powers showed up, it was unexpected. Remus, on that cold March afternoon, took her to the park; they both liked to spend time talking about everything they wanted while Lyla enjoyed going on the swing, but that afternoon was different.

A little girl, much older than Lyla, decided that she had to have the swing that day where little Lyla sat comfortably watching the clouds passing through the sky.
In a moment of Remus' distraction, the rude girl pushed Lyla off the swing and sat her down without little gentle doing, even making the structure squeak.

Lyla was so angry, she could feel it boiling in her veins, and then it clicks, she didn't even notice it, but in that moment the objects near her began to float in the air and a second later were hurled violently at the girl who had pushed her to the ground.

The girl didn't expect it, she looked at Lyla speechless, you could see the fear in her eyes."What have you done. . . you. . . you. . . you're a monster!" cried the girl, and after that she ran away.

Lyla did not believe what she had done and looked in amazement at all the objects that had just flown on that rude girl. As she was immersed in her thoughts, another child approached her.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?" he asked after offering his hand. Lyla hesitated but then decided to take the hand of the kind child to get up.

"Ah, these muggles. . . always whining about things they don't understand", said the unknown kid, and this time Lyla looked up and met the child's orange hair and brown eyes.
After hearing the word "muggle", Lyla smiled, she had finally found someone like her.

She shook his hand and said, "My name is Lyla, Lyla Lupin." The red-haired boy looked at her hand, smiled at her and then squeezed it.

"I'm Ronald Weasley, but everyone calls me Ron."
The two children stayed in the park together to play for the rest of the afternoon, talking about everything they wanted, mostly talking about Quidditch, a passion they noticed they had in common.

"Thank you for earlier", said Lyla, somewhat hesitantly.

"Don't worry" . . . Ron mentioned. Then he went through his pockets and pulled out a small packet of bright blue and yellow colours.

"Would you like a chocolate frog?" he asked. Lyla didn't hesitate a second and in taking the package she thanked Ron again. From that day on, Lyla and Ron became inseparable, that would be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.




hi guys <3, so this is the firts real chapter of the story, I thought I'd update faster given the free time I have this summer, I really hope you like the chapters, to the next update, hope soon

- Jules 💗

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