- CHAPTER 10 -

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"What's happening? What's going on?" the one person the four of us hoped would not arrive made room for himself by shoving his way through the students packed around that chilling scene.

Filch jostled the students to get to the front row and watch what was really going on, when his eyes landed on the rigid figure of Mrs. Norris his world seemed to crumble from under his feet.

"M-Mrs. N-Norris. My cat! What happened to her?!" he covered his face with his hands, in the hallway now only his cries calling out to the poor cat could be heard. His now red, enraged eyes rested first on us and finally pointed chargingly at Harry.

"You! You did it! You killed my cat! Now I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you with my own hands!" before he could get any closer a powerful voice called him back from down the hall, causing him to stop abruptly.

"Follow me Argus," said Professor Dumbledore taking the cat's slender body in his hands, "You too Mr. Potter, Miss Lupin, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger follow me."

Lockhart immediately stepped forward, proposing to use his office since it was the closest.

The whole crowd of students shrugged to open a gap and let us pass along with the professors. I had never felt so watched before, not even the sorting day, not even at the Quidditch games attended by the whole school, this was definitely worse. I found myself hand in hand with Ron as we all followed at the end of the line.

I had never entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom office before, and certainly seeing so many little Lockhart's in their paintings as they fled for cover with all their hair styled in curlers was one of the last things I expected to see, although so funny were they...it stemmed the tension a little, just a little.

Lockhart quickly set about hastily lighting the office candles while the professors laid the poor cat down on the table in the center of the room, Filch still crying and despairing...I felt so bad for him, but I understood him deep down, I probably would have despaired like that too if it had been Cricket in the same situation as Mrs. Norris. The four of us sat silently in a corner of the room without uttering a word, letting the professors do their work.

In the background you could hear Lockhart spouting off various theories about what might have happened to her, talking about various journeys, deadly epidemics, sorceresses, spells and curses, but I didn't pay much attention to his words, rather focused on how the principal and professors were taking care to analyse the poor animal.

Dumbledore was inches away from the cat's fur and remained there for quite some time, calm and silent as he examined the shaggy fur, he stood up abruptly drawing all the attention of those present.

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