- CHAPTER 16 -

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The four of them gathered to listen carefully to what had happened to Harry in the forest, he couldn't even stop being nervous, he kept walking around the room trying to tell in every detail what had happened, really nothing good, you could see from a meter away he was still shaking.

"You're saying you-know-who's in the forest right now, waiting for what exactly? That you're going to jump back there and ask him if you can be friends?" Lyla stuttered nonsense, trying to minimize, but you could see that she was as terrified as the others, and she didn't like that feeling at all.

"Voldemort is waiting in the forest, weak, he has to drink the blood of unicorns to survive, don't you understand? Snape wants to steal the philosopher's stone for Voldemort so that he can come back, now everything makes more sense", Harry laughed nervously at the fireplace

"Just you stop saying that name!" Ron said, terrified.

"Soon Snape will be able to steal the stone, and as soon as Voldemort has it, he'll kill me" Harry concluded, a shiver ran down Lyla's back, as soon as Harry uttered those words, it couldn't be, it couldn't end like this...

Hermione was as frightened as they were, but she mustered up what little courage she had left to reassure her friend.

"We're forgetting one small detail, who is the most powerful wizard Voldemort has always been afraid of?" and in that moment Lyla understood where her friend was going.

"Dumbledore", Lyla replied.

"That's right, if there's Dumbledore around, Voldemort won't be able to touch or twist a hair on you, as long as Dumbledore's here, Harry, you're safe."
Lyla got up first and went to embrace Harry to comfort him, soon turned into a group hug, after which the four sleepy kids went back to their rooms.

The brunette was almost asleep when she was awakened by Hermione

"How do you think this is going to end?" Lyla remained silent but in the end, she said the only the thing she knew would comfort Hermione.
"Honestly, I don't know, but we'll face it together, no matter what", then the two fell asleep.

Finally, exam week had arrived, with all the tension on her, Lyla didn't even know how she did all the exams well. There was a stifling heat, especially during the written exams, but Lyla still did well. The practical tests had gone as she hoped, although she would have liked to have gone better during the potion test.
Professor Flitwick had asked the students to make a pineapple dance to tip tap, Professor McGonagall asked to turn a mouse into a tobacconist, Lyla's tobacconist was perfect, no whiskers, no ears and no tail, Professor McGonagall congratulated herself, she had been the best of the first year in the Transfiguration exam.
Finally, the last and much-feared potion test, Snape asked the students to create the Oblivious Potion, Lyla was super tense, couldn't remember the last ingredient to add she kept going back and forth between the shelves, she tried her shot and picked up the mistletoe chopsticks.

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