- CHAPTER 22 -

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The journey to the hut had never been so difficult, not even the night we had found out about Norbert's existence. The school was always a desert at this hour but at every corner there was a couple of teachers, prefects or ghosts patrolling the area looking for whatever was threatening the safety of the students.

We were clinging under the cloak, Ron stepped on my foot and we all went together to bump into a flashlight nearby, luckily a few sneezes were heard, preventing us from being discovered. We slipped out into the frigid evening air, Harry taking off our cloak only when we were in front of the hut's big oak door.

I knocked three times waiting for someone to open, seconds later we found ourselves with a crossbow pointed at us, Hagrid holding it firmly while Fang barked wildly in the warmth of the hut, I instinctively pulled out my wand, at least if he fired I would try to protect us, everyone was on edge, even Hagrid...

"Woah!" exclaimed Ron raising his hands in surrender, Harry approached me lowering the tip of my wand, we should have expected a reception like that, I thought, there was no one in the school who wasn't worried and on the verge of a nervous breakdown... I expected nothing less from Hagrid. Especially if there could be something from his past that was haunting him. And I was no less, my nerves were on edge, you could tell by the way I was snapping at everything around me.

"What's that for?" Harry asked referring to the crossbow Hagrid was still holding, he hurried to hide it behind his back as if we hadn't already seen it.

"Nothing... nothing I was waiting for um... never mind... come on in, I'll make you some tea," he said before moving away from the door and letting us in, I sat down on Hagrid's giant armchair, Fang climbed into the armchair after me, leaning his snout against my legs waiting for cuddles, I didn't let him tell me twice.

Meanwhile Hagrid was pacing back and forth around the house, I had never seen him so... out of it. He was clumsy, his hands were shaking, he wouldn't sit still for a second. The teapot he was holding suddenly slipped from his hands, sending it shattering to the floor.

Then he filled our cups until they overflowed with boiling water, I looked worriedly at my two friends, he had forgotten the tea bags, he was not well at all.

"Hagrid are you sure you feel well?" Harry asked him.

"I'm fine ... fine," he said distractedly as he looked out the window for the umpteenth time before sitting down in the big chair in front of us.

"H-have you heard about Hermione?" I asked in a trembling voice, Fang seemed to understand my sadness and put one of his big paws on my hand.

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