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The first week went by quickly, and between the Wednesday evening classes on the study of the stars in the astronomy room, the herbology classes three times a week, and all the courses that the first year were required to take, Lyla had now visited and got to know the castle well, or so she thought.

But there was no time to waste, the lesson Lyla was looking forward to finally came: Quidditch's lesson with Professor Hooch.

The fact that freshman students couldn't play Quidditch seemed silly to Lyla, she was pretty good, actually she was really good. With the Weasleys she trained every summer and over time she got better, she had fallen many times but got up again and immediately put the saddle back on the old broom that her father lent her, how much she would have wanted a broom of her own, but the school didn't even allow that to the first year.

Professor Hooch walked the students into the school garden and divided them into parallel rows in front of old, messy broomsticks. The teacher was a tall woman with grey hair and yellow eyes, similar to hawk's eyes.

"Good morning class" announced the teacher

"Good morning, Professor Hooch", the boys answered in chorus.

"Very good. Everyone take a seat next to a broom. . . extend your right hand over the broom and say 'up'". Madame Hooch gave instructions and then stood in front of the students.

Lyla's broom jumped right into her hand as soon as she uttered the word the teacher had told them to say. She looked up with a beaming smile for satisfaction, she was not the only one to whom the broom listened immediately, even Draco and Harry had the broom already in their hands.
Hermione's broom just didn't listen to her, it was hilarious how the broom wriggled on the ground while the girl begged her to get up, but the even more fun thing was that Ron's broom didn't get through his hands, but came straight to his face with a loud blow that made Harry and Lyla laugh.

"Oh shut up, you two", Ron chuckled from embarrassment as he tried again with the broom.

Once everyone had their broomstick in their hands, they climbed up on it and waited for Madame Hooch's next instructions.
"Well. . . now that you're riding your broomstick, when I give you the signal, you'll give yourself a slight push with your feet, get up a couple of yards off the ground, and then come back to the ground, shall we? Right on my mark, one. . . two. . . and thr..."

But she didn't have time to finish that poor Neville LongBottom, first year of Gryffindor, all worried, got up in the air before the signal and his broom lost control, almost hit all the other first year still standing on the ground staring at him.

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