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It was morning when the five arrived at the Weasley's house. Fred put the car back in the exact same place where they found it.

When they entered the house, they tried in every way not to make the slightest noise, but Lyla had this bad feeling pressing on her stomach, Molly wasn't born yesterday, if she didn't already know, she would have found out one way or another.

Harry looked amused around, and how to blame him. Living in Hogwarts had certainly put him in touch with a school life surrounded by magic, but he had never been in the home of a magician's family: the self-made knitting, the dishes being washed by the enchanted brush, and the Weasley's strange pendulum clock marking where the family members were. At that exact moment as the three reds walked through the front door, the hands with their names moved to 'home'.

There were freshly baked breads on the table which didn't go unnoticed by the twins who immediately took one each. And then, the inevitable, from the staircase came the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They. Were. Screwed.

"Where the hell were you?!" Molly yelled at them, Lyla wanted to bury herself, in the real sense of the word.

"Harry! What a pleasure to see you dear" Mrs. Weasley went immediately to embrace him, it was as if Harry was the favourite son, you should have see Ron's face.

"Empty beds! No notes! And the car's gone! You could have died! You could have been seen! You could've been hurt! Of course, I don't blame you Lyla dear"

"Actually..." Lyla wanted to explain that this was her idea, but Ron wanted to keep her out of his mom's outburst.

"They were starving him, they even put bars in his window", Ron said, his mouth still full of the bread George had handed him earlier.

"Well, you hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!"

After casting one last glance at her children, Molly took Lyla and Harry in her arms and took them with her to the kitchen.

"Come on guys, it's breakfast time."

The boys all sat down at the table, Lyla was starving, she helped Molly serve eggs, bacon, and cheese, along with cups of hot tea.

Ginny would have had to walk down the stairs in seconds by now, everyone would turn to look at her and she would apologize gently as usual, she was late for breakfast, again. Lyla knew her friend like the back of her hand by now. She approached Fred and pulled out her watch from under her sleeve and whispered to him.

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