- CHAPTER 14 -

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The next morning I got up early, got ready together with Hermione, and we went downstairs together to have breakfast when Nick- Almost - Headless's ghost popped up in the common room, I almost passed through him and everyone knew how inappropriate and unpleasant it was to pass through a ghost. Seeing the worried look Sir Nickolas had on his face, Hermione and I exchanged the same look.

"Did something happen Sir Nickolas?" I asked in the calmest voice I could muster, trying not to freak him out or show how much actually seeing someone like Sir Nickolas scared was freaking me out too.

"Dumbledore wants to gather all the students in the Great Hall for an emergency meeting," he said hurriedly

"Don't worry Sir Nickolas, we'll take care of getting the rest of the students up" Sir Nickolas nodded before easily crossing the fat lady's picture. If the principal wanted to see the whole school something serious had indeed happened.

We knocked insistently on Percy's door to wake him up, we told him what Nick had reported to us, and personally took charge of starting to wake up the girls, the Patil twins tried to cover their heads with blankets while Lavander got up with her eyes still sleepy and her hair looked like a messy nest.

In the great hall we took our seats where they remained, Fred and George called me and while Ron who was still dragging himself sleepy sat down next to us.

"Percy said you were the ones who told him to wake everyone up... what's going on?" asked Fred, I shrugged my shoulders.

"We know as much as you do," I said simply turning around, I saw Ron's face and his messy hair, I fixed them with my hand and handed him a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Drink it, it will wake you up a bit."

"Thank you..." he muttered before drinking the juice, resting his head on my shoulder.

Dumbledore drew everyone's attention at that exact moment. Apparently there had been an attack during the night and poor Colin Creevey was the unfortunate one involved... he was petrified, just like Mrs. Norris, I knew this wasn't going the right way.

I tapped Ron's and Hermione's shoulder, who leaned in closer to hear me.

"We definitely need to start that potion," I whispered, the two nodded, and after breakfast we headed down the hall.

"You guys go to the girls' bathroom on the ground floor, Hermione you know where it is, I have to change the bandages and I'll go get Harry, I'll meet you there."

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