- CHAPTER 11 -

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The kids reached the camp in no time. As soon as they saw Oliver, the rest of the team ran up to him, everyone was worried.

"Dude, what happened to you? We've been waiting for you more than half an hour... so, do we have to forfeit?" asked the twins, particularly upset.

"It won't be necessary", the captain told them, after which he moved and showed Lyla, hiding behind him, to the rest of the team.

"This is Lyla Lupin, she's gonna be the new chaser to replace Alicia, she's here to train before the game."

"Wood, I don't want to contradict you, but, we can't recruit a first-year girl, Potter is talented, but do you think she's as good as Alicia? I wouldn't risk it", Angelina told him looking up and down at the brunette.
Lyla didn't know what to say, she couldn't explain Angelina's sudden hostility, she knew she wasn't the best in school but, she had never even seen her climb on a broom, actually she didn't even know her, she had no right to judge.

Fred stepped forward, almost to stand up for the brunette, but Lyla stepped forward, going face-to-face with Angelina.
"Instead of sitting here complaining about how good I am or how bad I am, why don't we start and actually show you what I can do? Do you want to? Or is that a problem for you, Angelina? I'm replacing an injury, I'm not here to steal anyone's seat, neither yours" and having said that, Lyla climbed on the old broomstick Oliver provided her and started to spin and train on shots and acceleration in the air to go score.

Angelina's mouth was open with astonishment, she couldn't believe a first-year girl stood up to her like that.
"Well, the girl knocked you down Angelina", said George laughing, receiving only a bad look from the person directly concerned.

The whole team trained for about an hour, Wood eventually corrected some of Lyla's uncertainties but found her really good, she knew what she was doing and was certainly ready enough to face the first game of the league.

Now they were all in the changing rooms, the team was wearing their scarlet uniforms, the bleachers were filling up, and the hymns of the houses were ringing throughout the stadium.

"So boys"... began his speech Oliver, which was punctually interrupted.

"... and girls" said Angelina annoyed, Lyla looked up to the sky, she had only met her and already found her unbearable, she was annoying and punctilious. . .
But the game was about to start and she had to find a way to live with it.

"And girls" repeated the captain just to give satisfaction to the girl

"The time has come"
"The big day has begun", said Fred
"The day we've all been waiting for", George followed.

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