- CHAPTER 15 -

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That afternoon Harry and Hermione joined them on their way back from class.

"It's like my hand is about to come off my body and start walking around the school alone", Ron whispered to the two who were sitting at the foot of the two beds.

"Saturday night will all be over, Harry and Hermione will take care of the rest, we're sorry to leave you with the dirty work but Madame Pomfrey won't let us leave until Sunday morning, you'll be alone up there but we believe in you, you can do it", Lyla said confidently.

"We have a problem though, Malfoy has been after us for days, after what happened at the game with Ron and at the flight lesson with Lyla, he wants revenge and will not let it go this time", Harry confessed to the two, it was true, if Malfoy didn't lose sight of them for a minute, he certainly had something on his mind.

"Bloodyhell... we're screwed", Ron exclaimed exasperatedly dropping back on the pillow.

"No, not completely, we still have the card of the invisibility cloak that he doesn't know about, if he goes to the tower on Saturday, he won't find anything, you can still do it."
They were abruptly interrupted by Madame Pomfrey, saying that Ron and Lyla needed to rest, the two wished Harry and Hermione good luck, and after saying bye to them, watched them disappear behind the door of the infirmary.

Finally, Sunday morning had arrived, Ron and Lyla had recovered completely and Madame Pomfrey had dismissed them and sent them back to the dormitories, they ran happily up the stairs, unaware that their friends had gotten into trouble that night.
And the news soon came out, the students were surprised, how did Gryffindor lose 150 points in one night? The rumour that the famous Harry Potter, the one who had made wonders in the last few games of Quidditch and had given his house a big lead back, had made them lose all those points along with a couple of other idiot freshman who had followed him.

Lyla gave Ron a worried look, the plan hadn't gone as hoped. Even though Harry and Hermione were now the most hated kids in the school, Ron and Lyla were always close to him, and they were all in it together.

"You'll see in a few weeks they'll have forgotten what happened", Lyla tried to comfort Harry by holding his hand.

"Yeah, you know, Fred and George over the years have lost a lot of points to Gryffindor, but they still love them both."

"I don't think Fred and George lost 150 points in one time", Harry replied down.

The situation wasn't great, in fact. Harry had also muttered that he wanted to present dimensions for Quidditch, Lyla didn't want to be without Harry on the team but didn't blame him either, nobody on the team spoke to him anymore, not even Fred and George.

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