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"So let me get this straight, an house - elf came into your house and banned you from coming to school, had you grounded...but since we rescued you from that cage of crazy muggles, the elf blocked the passage so you would miss the train?" I asked Harry

We were on our way to class, after last night I hadn't had the strength to stay up and talk so I had crawled under the covers and hoped to fall asleep as soon as possible.

So it was time to catch up on the things that had happened and...I had to admit that that story about the elf Harry found at home to warn him not to come back this year was scaring me, why shouldn't Harry come back? This story was driving me crazy...

"That's the least important thing!" shouted Ron with the same shocked face he'd had all morning "Lyla has a crush on my brother, gross"

"Shh keep your voice down!" I said slapping him on the arm, it was one thing to have told him, I didn't want the whole school to find out, especially not the person directly involved.

"I told you it's a fling, before the end of the year it will be as if nothing happened," I said confidently, perhaps to encourage even me on the fact that I should forget him.

"What we need to focus on this year is to have good grades, especially you two seeing how hard you are trying, maybe they will forget that you damaged that Whomping Willow" Hermione told them.

"And maybe in the nearer future your mom Ron will be willing to forgive you for wrecking and losing the car" I told them laughing as I high-fived Hermione, we were making them feel bad from last night about what happened despite the fact that the mysterious elf was the one to blame.

"Oh, stop it you two!"

Just outside Greenhouse 2 where we had been assigned for that class was George, I couldn't understand why he was there since he was supposed to be on the other side of the castle in class in practically two minutes.

"Hey George" I greeted him, he smiled at me and stood up from the pillar he was leaning on

"Hey Lyla, guys... This afternoon is the first Quidditch practice and Baston asked me to come and tell you two about it," he said pointing at Harry and me

"Lyla meet me after lunch in front of the front door, we need to talk privately you and I, sorry Harry" Harry shrugged, George smiled at us and disappeared to get to class on time...I sought the gaze of Hermione who took my hand and dragged me with her inside the room.

If she had not dragged me away I probably would have stood there staring at an unknown point of the floor. We both knew why George wanted to talk to me, he wanted to talk about Fred and my escape the night before, but I refused to say it out loud, it had been so humiliating....

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