- CHAPTER 10 -

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That Saturday there would be the first game of the league, Gryffindor against Slytherin, the game of the year, two houses who hated each other to the bottom, couldn't wait to have another topic to discuss and possibly fight about, typical.

Harry was worried about the game, with continuous training he was struggling to keep up with the school, Hermione had proposed to help him with his homework while Lyla helped him with some extra training, at Professor Hooch's flying lessons Lyla was always the best of all, all she knew was thanks to her father, once he was part of the Quidditch team and had taught her everything he had learned, even the twins had tried to explain something to her, even if they preferred to make jokes to poor Ron who at the time could barely stand on the broom, they had also been good teachers.

Harry had desperately asked her for help, to improve in any way that Lyla could notice, and she willingly accepted.

On the day of the game, the Great Hall was filled with students all excited about the upcoming game, the tables were filled with fried sausages, eggs and bacon, some students were finishing up banners. Lyla, Ron and Hermione were about to finish their breakfast when Harry took a seat next to Hermione, white as a ghost. The three kept talking to each other, while he kept quiet and looked at his plate without touching any food.

"You have to eat something", Ron encouraged him when he saw his friend more strange than usual
"I'm not hungry", Harry said.
"Harry just a piece of anything", implored Hermione
"I'm not hungry", Harry repeated annoyed.

"Oh for Godric's sake, it's the first game anxiety, Harry, concentrate and relax, you're really better than you think, we can tell you for sure, we were at practice, we saw you, I assure you you'll bring Gryffindor to victory, I'm sure but now you have to eat, or else you'll fall off the broom like a bunch of potatoes" Lyla said to him, trying to comfort her friend by handing him a slice of bread.

"You are better than me, the team would need you, Lyla, but thanks for the encouragement", Harry told her honestly, then picked up the slice of bread and ate it.

Suddenly, Professor Snape approached the table to speak to Harry.

"Good luck with today's game, Potter, I guess it'll be a easy game for you after defeating that mountain troll, even if you're playing against Slytherin", said Snape and then turned around and limped away... why was he limping? Lyla was wondering a thousand questions when Harry voiced her thoughts...

"That explains the blood..."
"What do you mean?" asked Lyla.

"That day we faced the troll, I think, it was just a distraction to get to the third floor and get past the three-headed dog, but he was bitten, so he's limping now", Harry explained to them.

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