- CHAPTER 13 -

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The Christmas holidays went very well, Harry had made several night trips around the castle thanks to the new invisibility cloak, the boys searched every day for information about Nicholas Flamel but, apparently, no luck and had not found a single thing of a mention of his name appeared; on the other hand, Harry had found a magical mirror by chance, Dumbledore had called it the emarB mirror, which showed the person in front of it everything he wanted most.

He had brought Ron and Lyla to see it, Ron rambled about becoming prefect and winning the House Cup. Lyla was quite confused by the picture in front of her: apparently she became captain of Quidditch's team, she was holding the Quidditch cup in her hands, the strange thing was the woman standing next to her, you couldn't see her face, but she had hair same as Lyla's, and she was holding her hand to her reflection.

Lyla didn't stop thinking about it until the end of the holidays, because she had the weird feeling that the figure was her mother. She had never known her, ever since she was little it had always been her and Remus, father and daughter alone against the world. She never needed her, or so she thought. Only now that she kept thinking about it, Remus had never mentioned her once, and at that point Lyla was hoping to know something, anything about her, no matter how small.

She was over-thinking, she found herself thinking about her once again, staring at her plate still full of food.

"Hey, Earth to Lyla, are you there?" Hermione asked her, waving a hand in front of her face.

Classes had started again, and Lyla had promised herself not to think about the mirror and especially about her mother.

"Yes, sorry, I was over-thinking, so were you saying?" Lyla hastened to say, she hadn't spoken to them about it and wasn't going to, at least for the time being.

"You haven't heard a word, have you? Snape will referee the next Quidditch game", Ron said nervously, more than usual.

"What?" almost yelled Lyla remotely, receiving glances from some nearby people.

"Exactly, Lyla can handle it, she just has to watch out for any kind of mistake, but Harry, you my friend have to tell that you're sick", Ron said frankly as he finished his chicken leg

"Or you can say you broke your leg", Lyla joked, only Ron took it a little too seriously.

"Or you can really break a leg", he proposed.

"I can't, Gryffindor doesn't have a spare seeker, they should forfeit if I don't", Harry banged. In the end, he had a point, and Oliver had increased their training now that there was a chance to overtake Slytherin in the standings, it wasn't that easy.

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