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Summer had flown in a flash, almost faster than the first year at Hogwarts. If you asked Lyla how the summer went, she would definitely say "one of the best summers" or "I'm having a lot of fun" but it wasn't like that at first. The first month of the summer Lyla had taken courage, after her visit to the EmarB mirror she couldn't get that vision out of her mind, the figure of that woman haunted her even in her dreams.

Yet the speech didn't go well, on the contrary. Lyla had tried to ask Remus about her mother, but he preferred to give only vague answers or avoid the subject by changing it.

The worst thing that broke Lyla's heart was when, before leaving to stay at Ron's house for a couple of weeks, Remus yelled at her.
She felt terrible, she didn't stop crying and sobbing all night, she didn't want to be pushy, but she had the right to know something about her, she really needed to know something, anything about her.

The next morning the silence at breakfast was deafening, neither of them could utter a word, they didn't have the courage, until Lyla couldn't take it anymore.

"I'd better go finish preparing the last few things. I texted Ron I'd be there early in the morning."

Remus nodded, drinking another sip of her now cold coffee, Lyla couldn't leave things like that, she just couldn't

"And Dad, I'm sorry for being too insistent, I won't ask you again."

She hurried to go upstairs, but Remus caught up with her before she could climb the first step.

"You don't have to apologize, I'm the one who should apologize, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, it was stupid and wrong of me, I shouldn't have. You have every right to ask me questions about your mother and to want to know about her. It was just unexpected that you started asking me about her now. I can't answer everything right away, and I would hardly give you all the answers right now, it's hard for me too, but I promise you that as soon as you come back, or at any time we'll talk about it, and I'll be honest until the end..."

Part of her brain wanted to have all the answers right away, but seeing Remus' eyes, the way he was suffering making that promise made her realize that maybe she had waited until now, why not wait a little longer?
Tears rose again in her eyes, Remus immediately took her in his arms, stroked her hair and whispered "I'm sorry"

They stood there for a while, supporting each other, Lyla pulled away from the hug and looked right into her father's eyes.

"You promise me we'll talk about it as soon as I get back?"

"I promise you, honey"

Remus and Lyla arrived at the Weasleys' house late in the morning each on their own broomstick. That's right, Lyla finally had her own brand-new broom, a Tornado Eleven, she'd been in the store for hours to see which broom would be the perfect one to start the Quidditch season again, as soon as her eyes fell on that model, she knew she had decided, of course it wasn't up to a Nimbus, but it was perfect for the role. The broom reached 70 km/h in 10 seconds, which was impressive.

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