- CHAPTER 24 -

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A week had passed since Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore had left their place here at Hogwarts empty, and I had to admit that they were very missed. I had gone to Hagrid's hut every day accompanied by Professor McGonagall to make sure that Fang was eating and getting some cuddles, he felt so lonely.

The communication, however, that everyone had been waiting for came right at breakfast when McGonagall announced the imminent return of the principal, the whole room erupted in a roar of applause and celebration, all except for well... Malfoy, as was to be expected.

Professor Sprout was just excitedly telling everyone that the mandrakes were now ready and they would be able to awaken the petrified already that night. I noticed the look on Percy's face, sleepy from the previous night's watch, brighten a little. I approached Fred, sitting next to me, and elbowed him. He glared at me but I pointed to his brother's thoughtful face as he sank his teeth into another sandwich. Fred exchanged a glance with George smiling then turned to me in a whisper.

"If the mandrakes are ready that means only one thing: Percy's girlfriend will be out of the infirmary soon."

"Percy's girlfriend?" I whispered back, perhaps a little too loudly, shocked by this revelation, Percy had a girlfriend....

"Shh, yes a girlfriend. The prefect of Ravenclaw."

I put my hands to my mouth, I was completely astonished that in spite of everything, in spite of all the commitments Percy had and the problems he was facing he had found time to spend it with his girlfriend, it was such a nice thing.

In the meantime, as we were about to go to the history of magic's class accompanied by Lockhart that couldn't shut up for even a second, he kept on with his usual chanting about his theories regarding the identity of the heir, he babbled on and on that according to him the first one among the petrified to wake up would shout Hagrid's name as if the thing was not already obvious.

"Oh yes you're right professor," Harry said convincingly to my right, I turned to look at him dumbfounded, Ron almost didn't drop the books he was holding.

'What on earth are you doing?' I syllable to him.

Lockhart was ecstatic at the idea of someone like Potter as well as Hagrid's friend agreeing with him, there I understood Harry's game. Harry and Ron had an idea that Moaning Myrtle was the girl murdered in the bathroom fifty years ago, who else could it be, but getting into the bathroom unaccompanied was hard... especially if we had to get into the girls' bathroom, it had been hard for me to go alone as well, that would probably be our last chance.

"Oh yes... all these new directives... the culprit has been caught so... why not take them off?" I said out loud behind Lockhart's back, winking at Harry.

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