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That morning the alarm clock began to go off very early, and as unbearable as it was... as much as I wanted to go back to sleep, I had to wake up. I turned it off awkwardly by pulling one hand out of my comfort fluffy blanket, finally the big day, today we were going back to Hogwarts.

The house was a complete chaos, everyone was running up and down the stairs to gather the last of the things, lock the trunks, have breakfast, settle the pets, and load things into the car.

I was just on my way back to my room after running to the kitchen to get a slice of bread with jam, I was reading the letter to see if I had packed everything I needed and wasn't looking where I was putting my feet when, as I turned the corner, I bumped into something or rather, someone.

I lost my balance backwards and was about to fall down the stairs but a hand grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me to him preventing me from falling.

"Hey..." said Fred with his eyes still sleepy as he still held my wrist between his long fingers.

"Hey..." I cleared my voice and retract my hand now that I was standing firmly on the step "Thanks for...for not letting me fall" I could already feel my cheeks getting hot, what was wrong with me these days?

"Yeah, sure...no problem" he passed it off as if nothing was wrong...I was speechless, I mean, I shouldn't feel bad about something like that, especially with him...so why was I feeling side-lined now? I had to talk to Hermione about it and right away.

Within an hour we were ready, thanks to some latecomers who didn't want to get out of bed. I had to go back to the top floor twice to see if Ron and Harry were finally ready.

We were a little cramped in the car but nothing to complain about, at least I was close to Harry and Ron who created no problems, in fact, they had fallen asleep in the seat again, Ron had his mouth open, it was hilarious. I pulled my camera out of my backpack and snapped a picture of the two of them both with their mouths open still asleep, I was planning to start a photo album and what better time than now to begin?

When Mr. Weasley parked outside the station, as soon as the car turned off I jumped out like a spring, I was too excited to return and see my friends again.

I pushed the cart ahead of the others as I looked for Hermione, stretching my neck to be able to see her among the large turnout that day. I finally found her perched on her trunk between platforms 9 and 10 intent on reading an old book almost as big as half her trunk.

"Hermione!" I called her. The curly-haired girl looked up from her book, her eyes seemed to light up.

"Lyla!" the two ran up to each other and hugged, it seemed they had not seen each other in days.

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